
They’re a company, and games are expensive to make. It makes sense. If AC:O is the foundation of how a game to continue to live on post launch as a single-player game, I think this whole set up could work. Although I would appreciate some lower priced cosmetic items .

People that really love Vegeta, don’t love him cause he’s a so called “bad-ass,” they love him because of his great character development over the Z series and now Super. He is a completely different character than when we were first introduced to him. And in a series where to protagonists motivations haven’t changed

Man base forms seem like such a waste.

He’s too short for real fighting game I think, which sucks cause he’s a funny little guy. They said how many dlc characters? Six? I’m going for Broly, Videl, Caulifla, Roshi, maybe Jiren, maybe Bardock? The last two I seriously doubt, but would love to see

How old is Ryu? Saw it brought up in the article, just no answer? He can’t be 50 can he? I thought he was like 30.

What about the story DLC that comes out on the 23rd lol?

I’m seeing a lot of coverage of Assassin’s Creed Origins recently and I’m pretty happy buy it. Much like the Witcher 3 its not a game that one can just rush through for a review, it’s a game you take your time with. It has its issues, like the villain, but the world is smilingly so dense and fun to explore I couldn’t

The fact that there are five Street Fighter “gods” is so cool. I had no idea they existed, and the fact that they’re pretty cool with another to go to ones wedding, lol, its very anime.

I always appreciate Kotaku’s speedrunning coverage. I can’t watch most of the runs throughout the week, so I’m thankful that you bring attention to great runs. It also helps me find new runners to follow!

Great year for video games. And these were just the AAA titles. The indies this year were phenomenal as well. What a pleasure to be able to enjoy this medium.

As a huge wind waker fan and not an owner of the wii U, I desperately want to play that version on switch.

Man when I first saw this game I was not expecting so attention to detail. But everything I have seen has shown it to be an amazing love letter to fighting fans as well as Dragon Ball fans. From the energy moves to these “dramatic production” this game is looking to be awesome to watch.

This is cool. Wasn’t planning on fighting those things over and over again so I appreciate the article. What are the odds we get a comic book tie in that explains what happens post game in Hyrule? I doubt that there would be a direct sequel to the game, just another iteration of the Zelda template. But who knows its

Highlight of the night for me. Very passionate. Maybe high. But very passionate.

Feels like they just wanted to get this game out there huh? Come on Marvel vs Capcom 3 was a great game, but this one is such a drag. I’ll stick to Injustice and FighterZ as my fighting games for the time being.

So did Gazillion purchase the Marvel License from Marvel to make the game? Marvel didn’t go to Gazillion to create a game? So Gazillion was paying Marvel monthly to continue to use the license? My heart goes out to all the employees who are now without a job around the holidays. It sounds like there was some really

Thanks for the review. The gameplay trailers always made me feel like I was missing something about the game being so acclaimed, because I always thought it look clunky and too technical, plus my god the voice acting sounded atrocious. In a world with Persona 5, JRPG’s are going to need to lose the clutter.

Dude you’re like a beacon of light in a murky world. Everyone is so quick to point fingers and lay blame without any facts. Thanks for all your hard work.

Probably before darkseid. Ultron before thanos sort of deal id imagine.

Whatever. I’m going to enjoy this game no matter what. The developers worked hard on this baby, and I’m going to show my appreciation for it. Whatever the corporate nonsense is with micro transactions I can ignore. The game looks good, with awesome content. I’m happy.