
There are situations in the game like that as well, set tasks. It’s one of my favorite things about the game. I miss this.

Difference is, 90 of those 100 characters all played roughly the same, with reused animations and even attacks. FighterZ doesn’t have that.

SFV isn’t set in 2017 though. It’s between 4 and 3, taking place in the mid-late 90s. Sakura’s around 20 and Ryu is early 30s.

I finally finally finally cleared all the objectives on the map! I think I’m finally ready to put this game down for a while. This is probably my GoT, something about clearing out all those areas didn’t even seem daunting or repetitive it was actually pretty enjoyable. Ubi done good with this game.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

A screwdriver. Seriously, that’s it. Even after wasting the better part of a weekend troubleshooting (only for the problem to turn out to be a DOA part), I still highly recommend PC building to everyone. It’s been so fun and satisfying, and even just browsing the internet on my new machine feels a little bit different

Highly doubt it. The mods on Xbox are very limited.


This video had like 600k likes before it was taken down. This will barely affect him unless Youtube actually gets off its ass and does something.

The last campfire in FFXV gets me everytime.

Can I get an honorable mention for this?

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

Relatively yes but there were quite a lot with female protagonist games in that list including Gravity Rush - Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, Life is Strange, Battlefront 2 (if I count the campaign) & Hellblade.

Not to mention games with variable protagonist sex based on player choice such as Destiny & Mass Effect

This is the hill I will die on. Battlefront 2 is actually a fun game, and will continue to be a blast so long as i can still outplay and 2-shot the guys who have all the star cards. I cant grind like they do, but all their boosts in the world wont help them if they miss

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

Capcom didn’t renew the x-men license stating some bullshit excuse about younger fans don’t remember x-men characters as much as the other marvel heroes...

Gazillion was based in California. Vacation time and PTO is considered earned wages and to be paid out if not used.