
Amen brother.  Ask someone who uses the VA and you will find, most of the time, a glowing review.

RT Troll

It is not working well.

Add 1935's Transatlantic Tunnel. The special effects used to show how such a tunnel could/would be advanced are jaw dropping and practical. 


I agree with your treason comment. I also just do not understand how someone can defend Trump. I still need it explained to me.

In my 57 years on this planet I have found most cases of arrogance are based on the individual’s insecurity in their world.

I alone understood this was posted as a jest. Myself and everyone that clicks on the star at joke. 

And the South.

A law student and a mother. Now that is one smart tired lady.

Yea. I’m ready to give up on FA. It used to be about interesting articles that people who had some experience with the DoD (mostly Vets) would populate. Now the articles are oriented toward the National Inquirer reader.

Errol Morris, perhaps the most important documentary maker of our time (well with Tim Burns) would say/has said, he is not interested in accuracy. He has a story to tell and it to that end is his goal.

You are wrong. US Naval ships navigate away from traffic when ever possible. Large vessels do often request smaller vessels to give way (be is a destroyer or a cruise ship) but that is a function of safety often due to the depth of the water. Someone gave you some bad information. The Senior Chief.


You must have done a mind-meld on me and wrote down my thoughts.

And they stop bleeding. If you have a smallish cut that will not stop bleeding put a teabag on it with moderate pressure. I think it works because the material that holds the tea acts as a substrate for the blood to clot. Not because of the tea.

McCain’s confusion was apparent and he should step down if this is a common occurence. Comey was a gentlemen during McCain’s questioning which makes him a better man then many of the posters herein.

Only have Netflix and antenna so my Fargo viewings are delayed by a year or so.

The NFL primary purpose/focus is to make money. They had been particularly effective using patriotism as a tool to that means (and killing their players but we won’t go into that). This is evident to anyone outside or working for the NFL. His tool of protest was in direct opposition to the NFL ability to use that

I agree.