
He didn’t tell him where they were. In order to find them you would need coordinates, course and speed. They are mobile platforms. Telling him we have “two submarines” over there is like saying we have tanks in South Korea. The headline is poor probably written to bait clicks.

They are FSU fans.

Thanks Gary. One of the better posts on Foxtrot Alpha in the last year. Keep them coming. The number of Russian Trolls (RT) you attract is an indication you are posting fact rather than RT propaganda.

That nationality doesn’t exist.

Troll warning. Troll Observed. Troll on Alpha Foxtrot.

Humm. Hit to close to home. Sorry to get your panties in a whorl.

Another RT troll.

Sounds like someone needs to get laid.

Impressive display of keeping your cool.

Stop that!

Yes Russia did.

RT=Alternate Facts

Who built that launcher? I bet it is not North Korea.

Thank you.

Id just rather have them arrive when they said and not lose my bag (that I just paid extra for). Hummm. Is the baggage fee really a ransom?

My dad told me the bridge theory 50+ years ago. What a liar liar pants on fire. 

Not any longer. Delta is now pulling over 10% probably due to bag fees.

I’m a Trump did-liker but I agree with you. Most of the text above and comments within are just gossip.

Shipmate of mine was boarding merchants. The real bad ones would put up razor wire and electrify certain parts of the ship to attempt to discourage the US Navy from boarding from their inflatables. No fun.

Not a good comparison (US & Israeli militaries). The US military has global responsibilities while Israel is regional. Once you step out of your own back yard the complexities grow exponentially and so do the costs, and granted the waste.