Brent Jatko

There it is. What these fucks want to do is make government as cheap as possible so they don’t have to pay for any of it. It’s not about lowering taxes for us, it’s about them getting the advantages of having wealth and businesses here for nothing. Crippling the government helps ensure that. 

These 2 kh should try to go to Ukraine and dig out and defuse all the land mines! That’s how l feel about these knuckleheads!. I really don’t know what there trying to prove maybe get some attention on media,social screens they should go play in traffic!

I laughed!

More gaslighting from Elmo and Donnie to feed the white-supremacy fantasies of their voter base.

The neanderthals were woke too?!!?! Karen, we got some digging to do....

Well I personally pledge to increase DEI initiative sales by $500 billion, and I have just as much legal power to do so as Melon Mush!

It gets harder when the child in question has the nuclear codes...

President Musk is a cunt.

2nd: This has to fuck with their whole dumbass plan to replace CarPlay and AndroidAuto with their own system, right? Like the whole point of that exercise is to have more of that sweet, delicious, data to sell.

Weird parenting thing I heard that’s adjacent to this: Don’t punish your kids for lying, just remember it. Remind them of it when they ask you to trust them on something. It’s learning the social contract the hard way. 

Weird world we’re living in when an Immigrant and a member of a Minority group are hellbent on creating artificial roadblocks for others.

It’s easy to forget that governments exist to *protect* people from the unchecked free market. Unfortunately, the US government now belongs to those who benefit from the free market at the expense of other people.

Sure wish someone would note there’s not actual $120 billion of DEI funding. This number was said by someone connected to “DOGE” to a reporter that did not dig deeper. It’s a specious argument to cut other programs to maximize their tax cut agenda and cripple government.

It’s obviously a ridiculous approach to take, as government offices should reflect the people that they govern. In the U.S., the population was classified as being 19 percent Hispanic and 12 percent Black in 2020, while just 11 percent of members of the Senate and the House identified as Black in 2023 and 10 percent

I am pretty sure that has been true since humans mastered speech.

Anything fairly modern is pretty safe. Wanting a stick shift in a “fun” car for a new teen driver is kinda questionable in the first place though. A safe car wrapped around a tree at high speed is not a good thing.

Correct. Having owned a Focus ST and an RS, and driven the Fiesta ST on track. The Fiesta is the least capable of the three.

Have you noticed that you used to get a lot of comments on this feature when it wasn’t a video?

Focus ST. Faster than the Fiesta ST, takes turns faster than the Fiesta ST, is more practical than the Fiesta at every level except street parking in the tightest city neighborhoods. They sell for about the same price where I live.

I wouldn’t worry about a fun car. Worry about a safe car. They can learn to drive for fun later. I still have a good number of years before my kid is old enough to drive and having been a teen driver myself once I’m already dreading it.