
Security Guard who says “Well, I’m an idiot.” This is far and away the #1 most used Simpsons phrase in my vernacular.

I don’t care, I love that dumb Mummy movie. It’s goofy as hell. Boutella is gorgeous. I dig it.

The fact that Matt Gourley, one of the funniest people in the world and a podcasting legend, is a second or third banana on this show, proves just how stacked it is.  Also, yes, as much as I enjoy the interviews, the Conan/Matt/Sona parts are by far the highlight of each show, for me.

Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend has reinvigorated my love for Conan, as I stopped following the tv show after the move to TNT, more or less. It’s a consistent delight.

Precisely. The settings and characters have real weight and presence that CGI can never pull off. The eye just can’t be fooled. So stoked for this.

Let the record reflect that I didn’t watch GoT just so I could “Check our her tits.”

Thought I’d give this a try after hearing Robinson on Comedy Bang Bang a couple of weeks ago. Before I knew what was happening, I’d watched the whole series. Laughed and laughed. 100% onboard for as many of these as they can make.

One of my favorite books, so I’d be onboard even without Alexandra’s Daddarios. Now I’m doubly onboard. 

This was fun, and I really enjoyed him on the recent Comedy Bang Bang, so I guess I should probably watch The Tick now.

I’ve never understood the appeal of wrestling, so I don’t watch it. Should it surprise me to find Jim Cornette described as a “titan of the industry”? That dude is at every rinky dink pop culture convention around here. Never had any idea who he was, but he’s inescapable at local comic cons.

Cue the Sealab references.

Glad to be of service!

The Dirty-verse endures! Alert Tom Scharpling!

Back when theaters still showed film prints, it was possible that they would only have one or two copies of the newest movie, so there was a hard limit on how many showings they could physically fit into a weekend. But now that everything is digital, they can put the movie up on every screen in the house if they want

The DC flicks should have a series of cameos of Bob Kane’s corpse being dragged through the street by Jerry Robinson’s family.

I can already smell the bathrooms.

This post has inspired me to dig out my EFNY laser disc and give it a spin this weekend. Sure, I have the cleaned up, gorgeous Blu Ray steelbook edition from Scream Factory. But something about these cult gems from my childhood just feels more at home on a slightly cruddier viewing format.

...nope, I’m not getting it either.

The news here is that Fantastic Four actually made back its budget??? I assumed it was even more catastrophic than that.

I wonder if Alan Tudyk has any good stories about Cesar Romero or Danny Thomas?