
Carol Kaye is an ultimate badass.

Have to strongly disagree with you there. Alan Moore’s run was phenomenal, and ground-breaking comics all around (leading to the “British Invasion” that gave us Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, etc.) but the Wein/Wrightson run of Swamp Thing is widely beloved on its own merits, and to suggest Wein/Wrightson didn’t “put a

First Class isn’t great, but the “Magneto: Nazi Hunter” stuff is gold. Wish they’d gone ahead with that as the full film.

When my uncle died, my aunt gave me his Pac-Man machine. I had so many great memories of playing it when I was a kid. I’d tried to help her sell it, but we kept getting lowball offers, so I offered to buy it straight up, and she just gave it to me. I put a lot of time and TLC into cleaning it up, and indeed, can

Hot Take! Rebecca Romijn’s version of the character is definitive. She’s mean and sexy and dangerous and, you know, mysterious.

I realize the tide has turned and we’re all supposed to say “Hereditary” sucked now, but I loved it, from start to finish. It felt tailor made for my tastes. Still waiting on that Oscar nom for Toni Collette, but starting to think it might not be coming...

GAH, I’d managed to forget about Judith because I don’t think she’s been on since the return from mid-season break, but yeah, man, she’s awful too.

Ah yes, that’s what it was. “Full frontal swordfight” is how I used to sum up that first season. I’m gonna stick with that.

I spent the last few seasons hoping they’d kill off Carl, such was my hatred for the character/actor. So, they finally grant this wish...only to replace him with a new Carl who is a million times worse! Truly a monkey’s paw ironic punishment situation.

I binge watched this when I was couch-bound with a 103 degree fever. I couldn’t move so I just let the whole thing play as I weaved in and out of consciousness. It was a pseudo-psychedelic experience, full of beautiful violence and really hot naked ladies. As long as those two elements remain, I’m in for a second

Thanks for posting this so I didn’t have to.

No Talking Timothy = No Sale

We’d better get Bronze Tiger this time, or they can GTFO.

I have been watching this show (because I’m an idiot), and from the get go, I knew it was going to be “celebrities”, and not actual, you know, celebrities. And yet, even though so far we’ve seen a football player I’ve never heard of, Margaret Cho, Tori Spelling, Tommy Chong and Terry Bradshaw emerge from the masks,

Project Firestart was THE BEST. It scared the crap out of me. Desperately wish I’d held onto it, because it sells for big bucks now. I don’t even have a C64 anymore, but I’d love to still have that box art.

I loved that terrible Mummy movie!

I had the same initial reaction, but on second hand don’t think it’s so bad, when you consider that one of the most delightful things about Paul is how hilarious it is when he cracks up. An “off mic” burst of PFT laughter is still one of the best things about the entire podcast medium.

Competitive awards for art are dumb.

It’s ok, I’ll be creepy on your behalf: they’re both crazy hot, exactly as they are.

He was great on NNF, I was bummed that it didn’t make the list here, but not surprised. It’s not exactly a “cool” show anymore, I guess.