
Very refreshing to have a Marvel related celebrity interview where they namecheck Jack Kirby several time, and don’t mention Stan Lee at all. Long live the King!

Agreed. Always loved MODOK, and have been waiting for the rest of the world to catch up!

Just chiming in to say that Dress to Kill is still one of the all time great specials. Timeless. Random lines pop into my head practically every day. Good for Eddie.

Fielder + Safdie = I can already feel myself squirming in anxious discomfort.

What’s blowing my mind about all of this is that I grew up about 5 minutes away from this house, if that. I don’t remember this specific house, but I know the area well. My folks still live out there, and I’m going to visit them on Friday for my Mom’s birthday. So...I may have to swing by and take a look!

I was at the Adult Swim panel at DragonCon either right after or right before Minoriteam debuted (can’t recall at this point), and during the Q & A an audience member asked if there were any actual minorities on the staff who made Minoriteam. This lead to an uncomfortable bit of hemming and hawing, some audience

Thanks Will, it was as good as advertised!

This is the one. It’s the perfect line reading. I use it all of the time. That pause it what sells it.

To anyone at AV Club that cares, more Will Harris means more reading from me. I skim the site these days, but I’m all in on any Will content. Give it!

Hmm, hot actress, “sub De Palma”...does she get naked or not?

Pretty much anytime Avatar creeps back into the public consciousness (launch of the theme park stuff, news of the sequels etc.) The love folks have for this movie, including people that I am related and married to, is baffling.

I think of this often. I went with my friends to see Avatar, and we all hated it. Then I took my wife and my mother, and they LOVED it. I just don’t understand. And to be clear, up until Avatar, I was a die hard Cameron fan. 

This guy talks like an enchanted ventriloquist dummy.

I sincerely believe it’s one of the greatest pieces of physical comedy ever filmed. Just brilliant, brilliant work.

Maybe the best episode ever? The interview was great,very relaxed and conversational, and Paul’s performance was epic: ate every “wing”, drank zero milk, and did an all sauce suicide dab to cap it off? LEGEND.

Beyond excited to see this flick, can’t wait until it hits here on the 25th. The Witch was my favorite movie in years, just loved it.

What’s the problem? He’s a good looking guy in his 40's who likes sex parties, and he went to Cupertino High.

I remember a lot of folks rejecting it at the time for being too polished, but I think it’s a tremendous album, every song is great, and it sounds terrific. The REAL “too polished” stuff was yet to come, but WCSE was a high point for sure.

Waitaminnit, I think Walton Goggins is great and all, but is he considered attractive?? This is interesting news. I’m a guy who likes girls, so I don’t spend a lot of time pondering the attractiveness of dudes. But with your Brad Pitts and the like, I “get it”. Walton Goggins, though, man, that’s news to me. Good for

I’ll never forget the first time I listened to Entertainment! When the guitar comes in, it was like being slapped in the face. I had an instant, visceral, physical reaction, I didn’t realize you could DO THAT to a guitar in a “rock band”. Completely changed my relationship with the instrument. Such a timeless album.