
MODOK is a fucking treasure, and he’s finally getting his due. That’d be the selling point for me. That it’s packed with this much talent? Gravy.

He’s a Beatle maniac!

Indeed. We start wars, forget the poor. That all must change when Ringo buys a rifle.

I’m pretty handy with image enhancement, so I thought I’d take a crack at figuring out the identity of the blurred person. Here’s what I came up with:

John Carter was goddamn delightful, and deserved so much better than it got.

I haven't seen every episode so I can't confirm, but I'm almost certain you're confusing Don Stark with Craig Cackowski.

In truth Alan Moore was correct and Harry Potter is in fact the Anti-Christ...

“Has the Sorting Hat ever been wrong?” Spartz asked.

Vincent Price actually has a grandson named Jody. There’s no real joke to it.

Ciao *speeds off on scooter*

Pretty sure with Eddie Izzard it was always about the shoes.

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Here she is, in full make-up and heels, with one of the greatest stand-up bits ever:

she didn’t just identify as a transvestite, she was an executive transvestite.

I was really confused by the headline for a second.

Also seems weird to call it an homage to Sorcerer instead of Wages of Fear.

This is just a Larry David away from being a full blown anxiety attack.

I felt my heartrate go up just reading those names.

As the article references, the behind-the-scenes footage actually came from Burden of Dreams, Les Blank’s doc about the making of Fitzcarraldo - so it already got the treatment. And, for what it’s worth, Burden of Dreams actually came out before Hearts of Darkness.

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The Aqua Teen episode is no big loss, as the episode was pretty bad.