
+1000. Spider-Man 2, still the best superhero movie, ever, period. The Dark Knight is an overlong bore.

I personally suffer from superhero fatigue. Doesn’t seem like the rest of the world is slowing down, but I’m pretty burnt out at this point.

Man, what a terrific run that was. Far and away my favorite take on Deadpool, and probably the best X-Book I’d read since I was a kid.

Point taken on the unfinished fx being a bit of a distraction in the producer’s cut. For what it’s worth, I still really like the theatrical cut (saw it four times in the theater!) but I think the PC should be required viewing before anyone make a final “Alien 3 stinks” proclamation.

I actually love Alien 3. It can’t hold a candle to its predecessors, true, but Alien and Aliens are the high water mark for sci-fi horror and sci-fi action movies, period. Tough acts to follow.

Right there with ya, I was in high school and already a lifelong Dave fan at that point, taping every episode and hanging onto the ones with great bits or musical guests. This one was a keeper. I’m sure there’s a worn VHS tape with this ep in my folks’ basement somewhere.

As a fan who grew up loving the original trilogy, had their fandom more or less snuffed out by the prequels, then slowly restored through projects like Clone Wars, I’ve enjoyed all of the Disney SW movies to some degree. I liked the practical fx and grimy textures of TFA. I liked the no-fucks-given approach to TLJ.

Shake the crime stick!

I love and miss Rick Moranis, and am delighted that he’s still around at all.

It’s true! I enjoy him on them, I just...I want better for Andy.

Andy Daly is a goddamned national treasure. Review should have made him a household name, had there been any justice in the world. I am sorta sad when I see him on those car commercials, but hopefully he’s making dumptrucks full of money for doing them.

Have somehow never heard of this before. Saw it popping up on Twitter today, and didn’t know what was going on. Plan on returning to ignorance in 3...2..

Kentuckian here. Never fucked a cousin. Enjoyed depraved sex with your moms, though. Thanks!

If anyone needs their Cosby Show fix, the local Ollie’s and Big Lots have plenty of DVD sets to go around.

Counterpoint: Kurt Russell is hilarious, and there’s the matter of Goldie Hawn’s butt. Five bags of popcorn from me.

It looks like the Spawn movie. You are correct.

Oh well, I guess I’ll have to make due with her Playboy appearances.

“Pyuma man.”

I tend to be a bit lenient with Gilliam, due to my fondness for his early work. But Tideland may be the worst movie by a major director that I have ever seen. It’s just...awful.

Watched “Valerian” with the Missus this weekend, and we got a kick out of it. Not sure why everyone seemed to hate it. If you like Luc Besson sci-fi movies, this is the Luc Besson-iest sci-fi movie you can get. To be fair, the lead actor guy is a creepy runt and didn’t really fit the role, but otherwise there was a