Herb Tarlek reference will always get an upvote from me.
Herb Tarlek reference will always get an upvote from me.
Thanks, appreciate the input!
Also, has TWD managed to come up with a kid yet that was annoying as fuck? I’ve hated every stupid kid on this stupid show. I mean, I guess Judith is ok, but as soon as she starts talking, I’m ready to hate her too.
So, I watched the first season, didn’t care for it, and didn’t come back. I watched the first episode of the new season last night, and will probably give it another chance now that Morgan is onboard. Would it profit me to go back and watch Seasons 2/3, or can I just skip them and continue on with the new season?
Yeah, I’ve found myself trying to explain the appeal of the movie to my friends on several occasions, but what else can I say except that it always makes me laugh? It’s not great cinema, but it’s a wall to wall cast of movie star greats, reciting great stupid lines by Neil Simon. It’s a blast.
Ha, sounds like Billy stays in character no matter where he is! This was actually the Louisville Arcade Expo, here in Louisville, KY, but I’d expect that he’s pretty much the same no matter where you see the guy.
Billy Mitchell was a Guest of Honor at the local arcade expo a few years ago (a really cool event where collectors/players bring together hundreds of pinballs, coin ops, vintage systems, etc, for 3 days of free play) and I will never forget seeing as I was walking out, around midnight on Saturday, Billy Mitchell…
The Life and Death of Peter Sellers would bear this out. Fascinating book, and they made a pretty good movie out of it as well. He was something of a sociopath.
Absolutely one of my favorite movies. It’s a little creaky, but it has some of the all time great dumb jokes in movie history. And that CAST! Amazing.
Agreed. I’m not Stan’s biggest fan (I’m Team Kirby) but the way he’s being schlepped out to conventions to sign his name for hours on end is just ghoulish and wrong. The videos posted over at BleedingCool are depressing as hell. He needs to be left alone to rest, but his handlers treat him like an ATM. It’s wrong.
I felt the same way, and was given the following advice on these very AV Club message boards. It steered me well: Watch the first episode and the last two episodes of the first season, just to get familiar with the concept and characters. Then dig into the second season. Anything involving Hawks or Vandal Savage is…
I love Jason Statham movies.
You’re not alone. The trailers have yet to elicit a response from me any stronger than “Eh, I guess I have to go see this now.” The Marvel fatigue has settled into my bones.
I recall that every comic book published around that time had a Meteor Man ad on the back cover, and you could practically smell the failure. It’s a shame, because I think Townsend put his heart into it, but his talents just weren’t up to the challenge.
My wife suffers PTSD from the endless hours that I played this game. That “rewind” sound sends her into a fit.
To be fair, I think I had the same INITIAL reaction to TMBG’s kids records, but ultimately I think those projects lead TMBG back to the absurdity that made their early stuff so charming. They had gotten a little too “normal”. No! is a terrific album, and I enjoy the others as well...and I do not have children.
I accept your challenge! Email sent!
I’m usually not pedantic about grammar (I’m a repeat offender myself), but something about the construction of that paragraph made me wonder if I’d been stricken with some sort of cognitive difficulty.
I’ve seen her name, but have never seen or heard her music before. Watching this...wow. It’s like the opposite of stage presence...AND she can’t sing? I don’t understand music anymore.