Now THIS is the TGIF show that I wish Netflix would bring back. I loved this show, and still enjoy it when I catch a random repeat. Dumb jokes, great physical comedy, lots of love.
Now THIS is the TGIF show that I wish Netflix would bring back. I loved this show, and still enjoy it when I catch a random repeat. Dumb jokes, great physical comedy, lots of love.
On one hand, super excited for the game. On the other hand, super bummed that it’s going to be a pain in the ass to get the exclusive version. They’re only makine 1,982 of them, with leftovers from the con going up on the site in a week or two, where they will likely sell out in 30 second or so. I wouldn’t mind SO…
I mean, you saw the part where he was in a movie called “Vampire Dad”, right?
Season of the Witch is easily the second best in the series, and honestly if it had been released as Season of the Witch, and not as Halloween III, it would have been recognized as a classic much sooner.
100% with you on Lords of Salem. I thought it was atmospheric, creepy, and the big visual freakout at the end is terrific stuff. It’s also Sherri Moon’s most restrained, uh, “performance”, so that was a plus as well. Really dug that movie.
I mean, on the one hand, she’s a terrible actress.
I dunno, I liked Lords of Salem quite a bit (the psychedelic freakout at the end was well worth the slow build) and I thought 31 was a lot of fun. I’ve spent Zombie’s entire career wanting to LOVE one of his movies, but just haven’t gotten there yet. I think he’s capable of a masterpiece. The foundation is there, he…
yeah, I was kinda like “what???” when I saw the premise of this piece. The story was very clearly and famously a Red Menace metaphor.
I would do anything for Amy Sedaris, including figuring out how to record something with my dvr. I think it involves pushing buttons. But she is worth it!
I assumed he was a trainer of abusive miniature horses (the horses have Napoleon complexes.)
I was similarly shocked. This summer was the first time I’d even heard of it. It looked like dumb fun, so I DVR’d it, but ended up deleting them a few weeks ago when I realized that I didn’t really want to watch. But three seasons? Who knew?
For some reason, to the missus and I, the wig and beard made him look so much like Viggo Mortensen, it was unnerving.
Never heard of him. I’m bad at internetting.
I remember loving the original trilogy, but now, so many years later, I remember almost nothing about them. Daemons, polar bears, hot air balloons (?), original sin, a knife that cuts open the fabric of reality or something...hrm, I guess I gotta reread them.
Who cares?
I honest to God teared up, I was so happy to see him.
Has anyone seen my tambourine?
No shit, I remember my mother taking me to see “Return to Oz”, and the Mombi scene, where she takes her head off and wanders around without a head, FREAKED ME THE FUCK OUT. Like, crying, having to leave the theater, nightmares for years, freaked out.
FWJ, so great! Also, DaFoe was hilarious in The Life Aquatic.