Brene Brawn

It's incredibly frustrating to hear people argue that those receiving welfare are lazy— these women were working their asses off, working multiple jobs, juggling day care and getting their kids to services for their needs and often neglecting their own. Women who worked so hard and were offered promotions because they

As someone who has worked with survivors of domestic violence and as someone who is below the poverty line (because I chose a career that works with survivors of domestic violence), these articles feel like such a heavy “should” that so many can't accomplish. I appreciate your acknowledgment that this is a pipe dream

Our brains respond to threats differently. When it's someone else being harmed, the trauma is secondary, and easier to work through with the distance. When it's us, personally, it's a lot harder to get out of the fight/flight/freeze response.

That's terrible. Also terrible that the person I was thinking of was a foreign student who lived off campus— KU! Include a cold weather warning at orientation!

Your joke is so spot on that it hurt my soul when I read it.

If this is as far as he goes, then it's appropriation of a very real issue for the purpose of promoting his relevance. Given his history of participating in the white washing of the industry, the onus is on him to prove that his intentions are benevolent rather than self serving.

You are everything.

*dry heave*

Palin as energy secretary actually terrifies me.

Your daughter is a hero.

KU? Because that totally happened at my school a few years back.

Truth. I’m in camp “wear whatever you want!”, and then get angry that so many of our decisions as women are influenced by improving the aesthetic for others at the expense of our experience. We are groomed to be background scenery instead of being taught that we are the leads in our own story.

My mom told me you could tell who had lost their virginity because their butts would suddenly get bigger.

I mean, it’s “sad” if you think happiness and life fulfillment only comes from being romantically involved with someone. Which if you have decided that must be true for everyone, then I think your narrow view is sad.

“Math is hard, and I would prefer you to do the work for me to try to prove my point.”

Omg your screen name though. 💜

You get how victim blamey this question is, don’t you?

It is inspiring how compassionate and revolutionary this speech was, and disheartening how applicable it continues to be today.

It's infuriating how we have this dissonance— there is a couple I know asking people to contribute to their GoFundMe to do medical missionary work in Africa. Which is great and all, except there isn't any enthusiasm to help people on our own street who can't afford health care.

Around here, “masturbation” is defined as “STRAIGHT TICKET TO HELL,” so that will be fun.