Brene Brawn

My vagina just winced.

I have donated to a couple of friends who had major surgeries and had to take time off work to recover, but that's also because I feel strongly about health care reform and am willing to put my money where my mouth is. I am bugged like whoa by the recent person who wants me to pay for him and his spouse to take a

This sounds like heaven!

My CBB loving heart hopes that was just a joke!

As a resident of a notoriously conservative and ridiculous state, my goal is for my children to be THAT KID who calls out all the bullshit in sex ed classes.

I want to know this too!

Huge, giant hugs. What you're doing is hard and I hope you have all of the support.

Both, I think! It truly is so delightful.

Watch “In A World”! It's on Netflix and it is lovely. It's also how they met.

Sending all the love to that mama in Hawaii. There is so much pressure and guilt with parenting— I can't imagine the heartbreak she is feeling.

Ugh, after this week, let's not give the universe any ideas.

My life never has enough Tig in it.

What a weird dance of protecting people from natural consequences. Instead of praising people for doing their job and ignoring the rest, how about we praise the people who do their jobs with a paycheck and get rid of the folks who aren’t cutting it?

Truth. I know that when we spend a weekend with the grandparents, Grandpa often takes a three day nap after (and he’s in his 50's).

I'll be 30 this year— and I'm constantly exhausted from parenting. I think you're exhausted no matter when you do it.

I realize she isn’t Alan Rickman, but I just found out one of my beloved former professors died. She was such an incredible person, and I wish everyone could have known her. She truly was so wonderful and did so much good in her life.…

This 100% sounds like clients I have had. When said with confidence, it's amazing how long it takes to realize the explanation is actually a symptom.

If I could wish for any of these to be true— it would be this one.

Quick: Someone check in on adultosaur.