Brene Brawn

I graduated with my master’s this month which I already bragged about, but this is new. I submitted a resume for a job I really want Tuesday, had a phone interview yesterday and the lady said expect a call middle of next week, but she called later yesterday to set up an in person interview for next week. Not too

I ran a half marathon on Sunday in 2:18:57, which isn’t fast, but it’s faster than I ran the same race last year!Also I got a fitbit for my birthday and I’ve walked 10,000 steps two days in a row! Who knew I was so sedentary at work?


Ugh, fuck that noise. I’m sorry. That’s even shittier given how Eyring has the rep for being this soft, sweet man.

I love you so much and am so sorry you had to deal with such crap. It’s like LDS is the world’s biggest football team. When I was growing up, we moved every year and every single ward we lived in had a sexual abuse scandal. It’s defs systemic.

Seriously. My outgoing psychiatrist and her office staff are trying to find openings sooner, but physician referrals aren’t even getting an opening, much less the possibility of something sooner. I might have to travel an hour or more to get an appointment before I run out of meds at this point.

I was so angry! I saw her a few days later and told her. I don’t recall her reaction (it was a loooong time ago). I understood, to some degree, since ER staff get a lot of nonsense and time wasters. But when you get to the point where you can’t handle it, time to move on. oh, I should mention-guess who found him?

Thank you! I’ve accepted that one of my challenges in life is my mom- it would be nice to have a normal, healthy mom, but that will never be my life.

when I was an EMT (sooo many years ago) we brought a man to the ER who had threatened to kill himself to his brother over the phone (once you verbalize suicide, we HAVE to take you). The nurse who had to take him was super pissed at us, as he was in full denial and seemed congenial, charming, and sort of bemused by

Thank you for your work! It has to be a calling because having badnerves and all, I’ve watched my local HUGE university hospital’s staffing disintegrate because of burnout (mostly dealing with insurance companies) and the amount of clients they must see.....all while trying to provide empathy and help to those who

Hear, hear! An Aussie here, and my meds, are all subsidised so that I only have to pay about $6 per script (disability support pensioner due to mental illness). Recently had to have a lump removed, paid nothing due to our Medicare levy! And we still have private health insurance! ONce your income gets above a certain

Yea, and by the way thank you for working such a tough job with so little support. (And I mean all of you here) I have a co-worker who used to work at a county mental health facility here and I don’t ask for stories anymore...

Whatever gets her in the White House. The remark wasn’t sexist btw, it was based on John’s current steps into further activism and political issues.


Glad to see such a postive comment on this thread.

THIS. I'm a mental health provider as well and am constantly amazed at the lack of basic coping skills. This should be mandatorily taught to children in school. I think it would have a significant impact on the number of people who turn to self-destructive behaviors when dealing with the shitty aspects of life.

I recently picked up an All-Clad skillet for $2.50 (Canadian, so less than $2 real money) at a thrift shop.

I recently picked up an All-Clad skillet for $2.50 (Canadian, so less than $2 real money) at a thrift shop.

I feel for you. I worked with the Developmentally Disabled at one time and it was the same conditions. Keep on keeping on.

When my psych nurse position was eliminated I went into...wait for it...nursing Aids patients. Reagan certainly ensured my employment in that area of nursing for years to come. Just another one of the many reasons that, to this day, I hate Reagan with a fiery passion. I use the word hate only because they haven’t yet

Agreed, I also would like to see more research into what goes wrong and improving the tools to diagnose and treat people who are effected by these problems. As my likely ignorant outside view has been that for many of the drugs in use have some not so terrific side effects which can lead to people stop taking