Truth. Faux depth or not, I hope Brit is feeling every ounce of this bit of wisdom and is finding all the acceptance within herself.
Truth. Faux depth or not, I hope Brit is feeling every ounce of this bit of wisdom and is finding all the acceptance within herself.
I just finished Grace and Frankie, and I’m legit mourning that it’s already over. One year is too long to wait for the next season.
Coming from a church that actively teaches that it’s better for your child to die than to leave the church, his response seems pretty on point for the ideals they promote.
You shouldn’t. Their little bit about how this isn’t representative of the church or its leaders is completely false. When I wrote Henry B. Eyring about how one of my local leaders advised my husband to rape me, and Eyring responded (by telling my stake president to advise me to “just go to the temple more,”), a month…
It’s so bad. We had a resource become available for folks that offers therapy AND medication management, where they can get a med appointment within five days. FIVE DAYS! When I talked to a patient about it who hadn’t been on medications before, the patient got annoyed that the appointment wasn’t sooner. It was so…
Omg. This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry.
I think he’d make a much better First Gentleman.
*solidarity fist bump*
The medication game is such a delicate dance. It takes a few weeks for them to work, so it takes a few weeks to see if they’re effective, and if the side effects are worth the benefits. If it isn’t, you’ve got to wait a few more weeks to see if the new thing will work. And then you can find something that is…
You have to put on your own oxygen mask first, 100% of the time. You are no help to anyone else if you aren’t breathing. Hugs to you.
I don’t. There’s differential for working nights/weekends— The extra hours are “voluntary,” but not picking up the extra hours often means my coworkers end up working alone, which results in serious burnout. The turnover is extreme. Not having enough social workers there also means that it takes longer for evaluations…
Hugs to you. It is exhausting to see someone you love go through something like that, and feel helpless because there isn’t help available. There have been times where we have held people in an emergency room for 48+ hours, simply because they were a danger to themselves/others and there weren’t any psych beds…
I think a lot of it is in prevention. We’re so hell-bent on teaching kids to say no to drugs (and to sex), and will invest all the money and time into building those curriculums, but we don’t mandate any education on mental health. I met with a patient the other day who was crushed under the crippling guilt of a…
Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach…
It takes so much courage to ask for help, especially from strangers when you have no idea what to expect when you walk in. The people I work with are truly amazing.
I’m an ER crisis worker, and we don’t jack around with people who are suicidal. We give those individuals our full attention, and do whatever we can to help— it’s important for anyone who is feeling suicidal to know that you deserve to live, not just survive, and there are people who are willing to help you figure out…
Also— Go to your closest emergency room. Not everyone knows that you can go there for mental health crises, but you can. And there are people who will help— people who you can talk to, people who care about you and your safety, and want to do everything they can to get you the help you need.
Word. I’m heartbroken about this.
Hugs. That’s terrible.