This has gone beyond funny to damn scary. The president is delusional, a lunatic. For the good of the country, he must be removed from the position.
This has gone beyond funny to damn scary. The president is delusional, a lunatic. For the good of the country, he must be removed from the position.
Here’s what you have to understand about the sort of people who become anchors, nonpartisan pundits, centrist…
Sebastian Gorka tried and failed to establish a right-wing political party of his own in Hungary. But since moving to the United States he and his wife have been much more successful establishing themselves as a joint political force. In July 2016, Sebastian said that Trump had been reaching out to him privately for…
Occasional Columbus Nordecke resident here, I think this is why we have mostly stuck to existing songs. Its horrible, and all chants sound dumb when they are done by 7 random dudes.
Some things don’t dissolve in a cup of platitudes.
I don’t know, I think Trump’s assertion today that Jews are phoning in bomb threats to their own institutions to discredit him is nearly as offensive!
[...] and at best you have zero social awareness [...]
500 days of Lennu! Make it happen.
Like, the fuck do people expect him to say?
What is this article? This has nothing about the Cardinals losing a baseball game.
Miller, the racist with a BA in poli sci. That’s literally it. His first job, for insane racist Michelle Bachman, was because he was recommended by the leader of a rabid anti-Muslim hate group.
This ought to be his Waterloo.
The enemy of my enemy is my newspaper.
the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin