After nearly 18 months of waiting, Comedy Central’s brilliant and SEO-unfriendly Review will be returning for its…
I was going to talk about how stupid this beef was but then I read
skim heads
because it might give them pause for a second and make them consider who the fuck they have actually become.
That’s basically the wrap-up of the 2016 presidential election.
This is so dangerous. Once someone from the administration says something, it becomes fact to a certain group of people. It doesn’t matter if they make an attempt to retract it (p.s. despite some articles I’ve been reading, I don’t see the above as a retraction, it’s almost more of a doubling down.)
Aimee- Your dates (and presidents) are a bit mixed up and need some important corrections: President Wilson signed the first bill in 1917; President Coolidge signed the Johnson Reed Act in 1924.
I just read the transcript, and even by Trumpian standards, that was.....pretty goddamn terrible. I can only imagine how much worse it was live. Seriously, can someone, anyone, not get this man a fucking speechwriter?
Short answer: No.
Sally is a Hero!!!
Tim Tyson was one of my teachers at UW-Madison when I was an MA student in the department in which he taught. I took a few classes with him something like 15 years ago (one of my fave was a class he co-taught with Steve Kantrowitz). I haven’t seen or spoken with him in ages. This interview reminded me of just how…
While I generally agree and think she is incredibly awesome, I wish she’d gone big and asked to taze the President.
Holy fucking God Almighty, you have no idea the anger running through my system right now. Rae Kushner is from an Eastern European town that isn’t that far away from where my family lived at that time. A quick internet search shows that her family may have been murdered in the same massacre as my own family, and may…
Yeah, remember how they said Force Awakens was “retreading old material?” Look who’s laughing now.
no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?