
He very narrowly beat his opponent, Garland Peed. Seriously.

Counterpoint: All non-feminist men should get fucked.

But you fucks still let pregnant women with difficult pregnancies die needlessly, so fuck Ireland. And fuck you for not caring about women enough to count their second-class citizen status as important. If appeasing the Pope and his pedophile representatives is more important than dignity for women to you, eat shit.

Boy, you are fucking stupid and dishonest. Trump had his VP-elect raid Indiana taxpayer dollars to bribe a company whose parent company he’s invested in to keep some jobs, out of many lost, in Indiana temporarily, breaking his campaign promise not to use incentives. He also promises to gut regulations and corporate

FDR was able to dramatically reduce poverty, but to maintain his governing coalition reliant on Southern states he excluded black and brown people. JFK and LBJ tried to empower people of color politically and economically, and the backlash destroyed the Democratic majority and created the modern conservative movement

Actually, the War on Poverty launched by LBJ significantly reduced poverty. We are not worse off than we were 50 years ago. I mean, we will be soon, with our new vulgar authoritarian leadership.

I met Chairman Bob years ago. He just seemed weird and awkward; I don’t get how he could inspire a cult-like following. He had a cool hat, I guess. The RCP acolytes with him were young, too, and refused to acknowledge that Stalin and Mao’s record was even mixed.

The Trumps know the president of Argentina, who called to congratulate Donald on his victory. Ivanka, who is going to run the Trump Organization so the President-elect doesn’t have conflicts of interest, was on the phone call. Maybe when they were done talking about their 20-year relationship, the weather, and the

That is not how the burial/cremation requirement works at all. Fetal tissue is already disposed of in the same way as other medical waste. Do you think medical waste is buried or cremated currently?

Lin-Manuel Miranda isn’t an immigrant. And his family members from Puerto Rico are all Americans, as well, because Puerto Rico is part of the United States.

Did George Soros pay you to write that?

The current proposal would only apply to immigrants, visitors, students, and foreign workers, but not citizens, so a mass-registry is still theoretical. But if it escalates, this kind of solidarity would be appropriate.

Jesus Fucking Christ, get some sophistication and a sense of humor. Aukerman loathes fucking Trump, you moron. Comedians have dark senses of humor, so of course they’ll joke about supporting a goddamn Nazi. A smart person will pay attention to his work promoting Democrats when not in character.

If the Horrible One wins, I am volunteering with my local refugee organization immediately. I work six days a week, so it will be hard, but as a white man I feel an obligation.

As a resident of Columbus, I want to take the empties, fill them with gas, shove a rag into neck, light them, and fling them at these rapey Trumpkin scum.

If? He’s a known adulterer.

As someone who played high school football in Ohio in this century...yep. Sorry. I was grossed out at the time, as well.


Would you prefer he laugh about Mike Pence’s dog dying instead?

That’s not enough. Hillary Clinton publicly castrated a known sexual predator three times in recent weeks, yet he still roams the streets.