As Hillary’s right hand, Huma’s always been the more powerful one. Your comment is ill-informed as well as ill-advised, speculating about their marriage in such a crass way.
As Hillary’s right hand, Huma’s always been the more powerful one. Your comment is ill-informed as well as ill-advised, speculating about their marriage in such a crass way.
Why didn’t you mention that they plan to stop accepting foreign and corporate donations after the election? Are you omitting a very important part of the story merely because it undercuts your argument?
“This weekend I realized, lack of melanin = lack of truth.”
Judging by the confused commenters below, there seems to be a misunderstanding about the “America’s Merkel” thing; it wasn’t intended as a message to a wide audience. It is a popular meme on alt-right/white nationalist/neo-Nazi websites, so Trump is signaling to his racist base with that attack.
This reminds me of when Coulter defended her calling John Edwards a “fag” by saying it wasn’t homophobic, but rather she meant it like a middle school boy would as shorthand for stupid or lame.
Why’d you blur Bobby the Smashmouth fan’s last name? Was it Bobby Finger?
That Walter guy really hates racists and n*ggers, almost as much as he hates Jews and Nazis.
Mark Kirk also slips occasionally and uses coded racism, like when he railed against Barack HUSSEIN Obama being an agent of Iran or called him a drug dealer.
But now we have another great byproduct of the Pence candidacy for VP. First, we had Chris Christie debasing himself in the role of Trump’s manservant only to be humiliated when he was passed over, and now Indiana is making the politically expedient decision to end their persecution of this poor woman. So Mike Pence…
How about the claim that most pornography is child pornography? Do you have any citations for that claim?
#AllLivesMatter #RobertByrd #I’mAStupidRacistDouche
Publicity for a good charity or cause can be worth a certain amount of bullshit, but there is a limit.
Yes, Paul Ryan does fake volunteering and codes his racism as entitlement reform. Donald Trump tries to screw veterans’ groups out of pledged donations and calls Mexicans rapists.
He could scrub some pre-cleaned dishes at a shelter...
Maybe Stephen Colbert can hire one or two of the writers from TNS? So that they could have one or two POC on the writing staff? Maybe?
If calling the president the n-word gets you cancelled, why do Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh still have shows?
It’s nice to see Trump money going to an organization other than NAMBLA for a change.
“I have now spent far too much time thinking about Trump’s toilet seat.”