R U Up? You won’t be after Tim Kaine is announzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
R U Up? You won’t be after Tim Kaine is announzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
He had a fantastic appearance on Louie a few years ago.
This is much better trolling. You’ll totally get some takers with the casual racism and BroBait.
2000 is also the year Pence proposed diverting HIV/AIDS prevention funding from any group that doesn’t condemn LGBT people and giving it to “Pray Away the Gay therapy”. He seems nice.
Donald Trump is a gentleman and a scholar. His hands are huge and his hair is very real and normal. He has a healthy attitude towards his daughter, Ivanka.
Yes, the irony is so incredible that one might think it was intentionally so. I made it very earnest-seeming, but the giveaway is supposed to be the multisyllabic and correctly-spelled words.
I actually remember the SNL sketch a lot better than incident itself. I wasn’t much of a media consumer at the time, but I remember a vague sense of confusion and revulsion to the way they covered things at the time.
Typical. Clinton can’t articulate a positive vision for this country or demonstrate a firm grasp of the issues, so she and her supporters rely on crude and spurious attacks. How vulgar and undignified.
The Kochs probably buy crates full of them. Gov. Pence is one of theirs.
Still not the most useless piece of shit she is associated with, and certainly not the costliest.
Larry Klayman, in addition to being a conspiracy nut and racist, is also a child molester. He found enough time, while he was searching for Obama’s birth certificate so he could send him “back to Africa”, to abuse his own children.
It is so sad to see people trying to misuse such a well-intentioned law like the RFRA for purposes other than shitting on the gays. No one could have foreseen this.
I love Ruth Negga! But yeah, that looks pretty damn saccharine. Maybe it will be enough to lift black people’s spirits, thus solving systemic racial disparities in the criminal justice system?
Is there a primary or special election coming up?
She’s just begging to be photoshopped into pics of concentration camps by Trump supporters, as is their wont.
It turns out the ghosts in the movie were dead the whole time. Ha, spoiled it for you!
“...Baer added magnanimously, he didn’t care...’I don’t really care who you sleep with if you’re actually interested in telling the truth...’”
Sarah Palin said not being indicted by the FBI is tyrannical and treasonous. Has Kaley Cuaco been indicted?