I remember this game. It was impossible. This validates failure.
Relative to Clinton’s age, that was pretty close. A college-aged intern and her middle-aged boss, the commander-in-chief of the most powerful military in world history and leader of the richest nation and hundreds of millions of people. Only someone with a Trumpesque sense of morality would defend something like that.
Do you have any thoughts that aren’t completely stupid?
The most powerful man in the world and a subordinate intern about the age of his daughter is such a gross imbalance of power that the relationship is inherently predatory. Bill Clinton is a goddamned sleazy piece of garbage.
That asshole is a Trump troll, FYI. I’d ignore him.
Shut up, I’m not crying, YOU’RE crying.
That story with a good outcome takes some of the sting away from this terrible story. Thank you.
Thankfully, in the the United States we mostly consume extremely diluted solutions instead of endangered animals for our snake oil medicines.
If you’ve seen at least one or two episodes of The Soup, you should know this.
Re-read your first two sentences. And then delete your account and take a bottle of sleeping pills.
Paul Ryan is smart enough that he tricks the dumbfucks in the media into believing that he isn’t a dummy just like them, so they present his as a serious person. That is dangerous, so some jerk primarying would have some upsides.
Cruz won Wisconsin’s 1st by 20 points. Sadly, we will have to see Paul Ryan’s dumb, smug douchebro face behind Hillary Clinton as she gives her first State of the Union address.
The Bernie Bros who used to be Paultards (is there a less-offensive term for dumb Paul supporters?) don’t have a coherent political ideology, but they were never a significant electoral force. They are just very loud and obnoxious on the internet.
She only cares about women’s issues if they affect her personally. Hopefully Trump as the nominee is enough, but she has made her career by perpetuating the racism and ignorance that drives FOX News and Republicans and is unlikely to suddenly become a decent or honest person.
But all of those things paralyze our political system so that nothing substantial can be done to address the major issues we face. Because of special interest influence, universal background checks for firearm purchases failed, despite the fact that it got more yes votes than no votes and had 90% public support.
Let us hope that this harmless slip of the tongue does not undermine Mr. Fransisco’s admirable effort to keep the beloved former governor out of prison.
Bruschetta from your own garden’s tomatoes and basil with a fresh baguette is great.
Bey is a media empire worth hundreds of millions of dollars. She has an army of lawyers that get paid to be hyper-cautious. Most large businesses do this.