At least your screen name, Nick KKK, is honest. Your argument is dumb and disingenuous, though.
At least your screen name, Nick KKK, is honest. Your argument is dumb and disingenuous, though.
She’s in town to try and see Hamilton. She’s a racist, homophobic, batshit nutbag, but she isn’t so far gone that she can’t appreciate a great musical. I’m sure she’ll drag her husband away from watching the game and make him to to the theatre, as well.
What’s wrong with the SNP, having straight leaders like a bunch of weirdos?
Putin knows exactly how to handle Trump and already started when he praised him and stroked his ego. Trump played right into his hands, returning the praise and excusing the many abuses Putin has committed.
Calling an uncool politician uncool is not going out of the way to cut her down, it is truth. You kids in the Obama era need to understand that politicians aren’t cool.
You are bizarrely and needlessly defensive. There is nothing anti-Hillary or pro-Bernie in this post.
As bad as Obama/Clinton foreign policy was, McCain was threatening war with Russia and Iran and everywhere else. And I would love to vote Green in a multi-party parliamentary democracy. But American democracy is deeply flawed and, precisely because our politics are central to global politics, we have a duty to do as…
There wasn’t a large-scale torture program by the United States until Al Gore won the presidency by a margin close enough that the Bushes and Antonin Scalia were able to mount a judicial coup and steal the presidency. Al Gore and George W. Bush were not that different by your metrics, but I think the millions and…
Relative to Antonin Scalia. Garland may be okay with looking the other way while the U.S. government commits human rights violations, but Scalia was in the corner jerking off while torture was being committed.
Please don’t get murdered.
No one is free to vote however they want. For president, there are restrictions on age, natural-born citizenship, and a complicated and expensive nominating and ballot access process. You can’t vote for someone under 30 for US Senate. In states like Ohio and Texas, the number of signatures you need together to get a…
Elections are non-partisan for everyone but the Republican ratfuckers who run elections in too many states. The Kobachs and Husteds and Purcells are the problem with our elections.
I’ve sworn oaths to the U.S. Constitution and have worked multiple elections here. You are just some dumb asshole from Canada.
What the hell, Canada? First Cruz and now this jerk?! Justin Trudeau only makes up for so much.
No, everyone shouldn’t feel free to vote for whomever they want.
The House. And as long as you don’t live in Ohio, feel free to vote for Jill Stein.
It will happen. In 2004, marriage equality seemed distant.
We can’t have somebody born in Canada running for president. That would just be ridiculous.
And several pairs of tiny, tiny gloves.
Please, there is nothing sexist about Donald Trump’s attacks on Megyn Kelly. He is merely standing up for ethics in political journalism.