If you don’t want to be involved in national and global events, maybe Jews should stop controlling and manipulating all of them from the shadows, huh?
If you don’t want to be involved in national and global events, maybe Jews should stop controlling and manipulating all of them from the shadows, huh?
He’s got a sister!
It certainly lessens the dread of voting for someone with Clinton’s record.
I have to believe a liberal troll started the whole #Cruzin thing, which I’ve seen a lot of right-wingers using. If the Cruz campaign itself or a supporter started a hash tag that is a homophone for cruisin’, it’d be too perfect for this bleak world.
I dislike Hillary Clinton because she has helped send hundreds of thousands of people to horrible, pointless deaths and created millions of refugees with her warmongering. I would love to vote for a woman for president, but how about one soaked in less blood? I’ll vote for her against Trump in November, of course, but…
When Donald Trump explains the racial violence committed by his supporters, he likes to talk about how passionate they are and how angry about the economy they are. That is, arguably, an examination of the mentality of his goons. But it is also a defense of inexcusable behavior.
I don’t think the dumb high school cretins were thinking about the historical/mythological questions about culpability of the general population versus the Roman occupiers. I think they were just being stupid ducks and went with the most basic anti-Semitic attack they could think of.
Bigotry is arguably just fact for the stupid and the bigoted. Why are you so eager to side with anti-Semites?
You seem like a terrible person.
Secretary Husted is constantly finding ways to disenfranchise young, poor, and minority voters, often with reinterpretations of and tweaks to election laws a few months before an election. This issue is not about the arbitrary and ambiguous nature of childhood and adulthood, it is about the ratfuckery and racist…
Clinton/Manziel 2016?
I think I’d get along very well with Vladimir Putin. I just think so. People say, ‘What do you mean?’ I think I would get along well with him.
Nobody has proven that [Putin]’s killed anyone. ... He’s always denied it. It’s never been proven that he’s killed anybody. You’re supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, at least in our country. It has not been proven that he’s killed reporters.
Putin, he’s running his country and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country. I think our country does plenty of killing also.
A slightly less gross and arguably more illustrative comparison would be do you want to live in Idiocracy or The Handmaid’s Tale. Both shitty, but the choice is obvious.
I got my coupon for a free Chipotle burrito in the mail yesterday. I think I’ll give it away to my co-workers, though I’d hate to have to fill in for them while they’re sick.
Bloomberg’s delusional, but he’s not delusional enough to run against Clinton.
I like the St. James Tavern and I really like supporting Planned Parenthood and I love drinking, but I’ll be working late. I’d offer to send them a box of cookies, but I’m sure they don’t take kindly to mysterious packages.
Jezebel assumes the worst in people. Maybe his tweets are just a misunderstood attempt at political slash fic?