Googling Model Minority MYTH might help him find what he’s looking for. He won’t because he just wants to talk shit about black people.
Googling Model Minority MYTH might help him find what he’s looking for. He won’t because he just wants to talk shit about black people.
Asians are not the victims of generations of Jim Crow level racism leveled at them. Let’s be real here.
Editor’s note: Once a month, the National Interest column will tackle broader questions about what the country…
It is really appalling the good news is that the nazis are being replaced by the established military industrial complex. I suppose it is the evil we all know, le sigh.
If you’re known me enough around here you know I’m a fairly optimistic guy, or at least I try not to focus strictly on the negative because I don’t find it particulary constructive or worthwhile.
I don’t mind the term in an academic sense. The problem is how it’s used. Conservatives can not be trusted to use it, because they are talking about ALL of Islam when they use it.
Yeah the jokes about America being Little Russia aren’t all that funny any more, are they?
It paints with a broad brush during a time there is a lot of xenophobia.
I’m sure Jared made the call, he’s in charge of everything else.
Really? Because it paints all Muslims as extremists and alienates the Muslim allies in Jordan, Lebanon, the UAE, etc who we need to work with to defeat Daesh.
all these people dropping around him and yet drfufjmp rolls on, not getting impeached or anything
And while Laura Bush was not a particularly front and center First Lady, she still had a focus on literacy, and LIVED IN THE DAMN WHITE HOUSE. If Melania was only comfortable doing the bare minimum, I would cut her slack, but she isn’t even doing that.
Yes, he’s been a known douche since jump! His whole family has been NYC tabloid punching bags (deservedly so) since forever. It’s just been eye-opening for me to realize that outside of this area, people knew Trump was bad, but not that bad, because the Daily News and NY Post have been ringing the “Trump = scumbag”…
From news stories I have seen, his nastyness goes back to at least his high school days. Still, I find the decline of his language skills over the past 30 years pretty interesting and striking, and yet another clear indicator that Trump is unfit for office (or much of anything really).
Please know that if I say “duh” to you, it’s not intended to make you feel bad ... but DUH. HUNDREDS of mental health professionals have recently come forward to say that this man is a danger to society and unfit for office. The trailing off and nonsensical speech patterns are indicative of unchecked mental illness.
Yes. I want that gilded plastic-titted fascist-fucker to be in DC not NYC, and forced to be involved, and to be miserable and depressed and become addicted to opioids and booze.
Sorry, but no. Trump’s been vaguely threatening to run for office for decades now. Whereas he and Melania have only been married since 2006.
She’s the worst. I want her fake-architect, never-a-model, speaks-one-language-and-does-it-poorly self doing nothing FLOTUS-y—her one attempt so far was plagiarism for which I still don’t think she was dragged sufficiently.
I would be fine with her just staying hidden in the back of the White House. Just stop costing us millions of dollars a day you spoiled princess fuck.