
Bull shit. 1) It’s not always possible on limited incomes to buy more skirts for rapidly growing bodies. 2) There are plenty of busty white girls with short skirts who don’t get punished on the same scale. and 3) It doesn’t fucking matter bodies are bodies punishing for having boobs while black is INSANE.

 I am honestly a little bit tired of so-called progressive dudes crapping all over Democratic ladies while not looking to so-called progressive men doing squat for either women’s rights or minority rights.

I will watch The Holiday whenever it’s on. The Jack Black character gets on my nerves a little, but it’s the one Nancy Meyers movie I can stomach.

Bad Teacher is underrated.

We. The people who have witnessed the best in humanity, but unfortunately, the worst in humanity, in the last decade. We will survive. Somehow, we will survive. And the Obamas will be a big part of our survival. .

That was me i just wanted to tell them to shut up cuz wtf let a fucking kid dream

The fuck is that person not grey?

oh my god shut uppppppp🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫

This. Also my work takes me to a lot of remote, smaller towns where there are mostly only chains or very casual mom and pop diners. Not much fine dining. The waitstaff in these establishments seem put off/surprised by orders of steak that isn’t well done and absolutely none of them seem to recognize what this

exactly - i stack plates sometimes because i want some elbow room that is not filled with dirty plates. i’m not criticizing servers implicitly or explicitly with that maneuver, so they can keep their feels on the subject to themselves.

The trend of small cramped tables with way too many things on them (Do we really need a 4foot wide bread-basket? 3 butter dishes?) and HUGE plates with 6" of sprinkled herbs bordering the 4" serving of whatever it is on the plate has been one of the leading questions in my mind. In a picture, that looks cool and all,

%100 AGREE.

Yeah, I don’t care how inconvenient it is for the server, I’m not sitting at a table covered in dirty dishes.

Sorry, I’m going to continue stacking plates wherever there’s too much plate and too little table.

Agree with this 100%. I’m not stacking plates because I’m impatient or trying to help out. When there’s annoying cardboard ads, ziosk tablets, and an assload of plates crammed onto a tiny table, something’s gotta give.

If I’m at someplace nice, I leave the plates alone. If I’m at some chain restaurant that insists on

yesss (from above):

Sorry, I’m going to continue stacking plates wherever there’s too much plate and too little table.

Right? Servers are leaving you unattended long enough that you have enough empty dirty plates that you are creating a pile to make room for yourself, but fuck you for not leaving them neatly spread across your entire table for them. 

But why? To make you happy?