
I own a small natural hair care company. I make all of my products by hand. and yes, I am an African american woman. Yes it is operated by my African american family. I believe there are many more like us. However, it is hard to compete with the big brands but we are out here. Check us out Grand*Tressa natural hair

There’s so much pain in this world. I pray that someday all of this pain will be removed, because I honestly don’t believe this is the way God wanted us to live - not in this constant pain.

I would say it’s more hurtful to women that these dysmorphic implants are paraded around as healthy or as some sort of beauty standard.

Bizarre ass implants. I just don’t get the why of it.


My reading comprehension is fine.

Quick question:

“Person A: “Barack Obama is black”

I hope the only people crying “racism” are the people who see her silly-ass comment and get that she isn’t at all offended by having her blackety-black-black baby portrayed as Pakistani, but how dare any of us call him “black.”

To be clear, while the cultures are different, they are not “completely” different, and I’m glad Pan Africanism came along and addressed that falsehood. Our cultures are cousins. I know some of them hate hearing it from African Americans since they often like to distance themselves, but it doesn’t make it any less

How do you know I didn’t mean a black Scandanvian? Maybe his dad was a black Finn from Haiti.

Well hatians are an entire nationality that was created as a direct result of the slave trade. The same slaves being traded along the east coast of America as the Carribean. In fact we are all part of the same trade route.

That baby is Black as hell, and all the people in the comments crying racism need to relax; it’s not about racism. It’s about recognizing what you present as when people look at you.

I’m from Trinidad, a multi-ethnic nation. I’m Afro-Trini, but most people here are Indo-Trini with a good chunk of Syrian and Chinese as well. We ID as Trini first, but it would be ABSURD to say “I’m not black I’m Trinidadian.” I’m BOTH. Because one is race and one is nationality you dummy.

Dearest Jaclyn Nichole, your baby is gorgeous. He is also black. Please teach him that, and when he’s old enough, gently sit him down and give him the talk. You know, the one about being stopped by the police. 

Dear fellow Island people

The fact that it matters to you so much shows that YOU have a race issue

Yeah she is weird. I thought at first it might be a French Montana situation where the race is ambiguous but I seriously thought all Haitians had Afro ancestry. Maybe she thinks the Puerto Rican side is more Ricky Martin (white) and cancels out the Afro roots? It’s tragic she’ll teach her son colorism and internalized

I don’t know what alternate universe Ms. Nichole lives in but the universe we live in Haitians are Black and Puerto Ricans are part of the diaspora.