

You look stunning.

I’m feeling this idea...

Yeah, I’m getting pretty tired of the smug “if you really loved him you’d value the relationship more than a piece of jewelry” attitude. There’s emotional blackmail, and then there’s just being honest about what you want and need so the other person can make an informed decision.

Eight?!?! with just the republicans?..... I’m sorry I’m going to be absent until next December...feel free to leave a message.


Noooo! There was a Friday Night Open Thread and I missed it?!!!

I feel like he is mis-reading his audience and not considering who is likely to hand him money.

So so soooo much.

This is super useful. Thank you.

It was an I need to eat type situation so I don’t feel bad about taking the job and then moving on. I just want to leave in an appropriate way. I don’t expect them to be happy or willing to hire me later or anything like that.

Thanks! I’m just so nervous because I think my boss is the type to try and guilt me out of it. I’ve only been at this job for like 4 weeks and am filling a spot they needed someone in immediately so I don’t see this going well in any way. But this other job makes so much more sense for my life so I guess we’ll just

Any tips on quitting your job? I’m leaving a new job for a better offer and I’ve got no real idea how to go about this in a decent way. I’ve never had to quit a job before (yes this is my first grown-up after college job).

Oh so we’ve gone to the same ER doc. One also told me that at 24 I was way too young....I’ve got serious family history with this too. Yay for the doctors that finally figure it out....and surgery that’s no where as painful as living with the gallstone pain.

5 years? Wow, mine were misdiagnosed but it only took a year to figure it out. This was a way different level of was nothing compared to that particular hell.

This. The surgery was so much better than living with the pain from the gallbladder/gallstones.

This! Older people are always Miss Eva or Mr. John etc. I feel like it does a nice job of splitting the difference.

No, but I’m assuming that’s cause I never saw the Notebook.

DON’T DO THAT TO ME!!! I was seriously worried for a second about Sarah and Freddie!

It is tradition in many places that the bride pay for the dresses. The WIC just seems to have overcome that with all the “make everyone pay crazy money for the wedding” stuff.