breakfastattiffanysgirl you probably shouldn’t...I mean I would but I have no kids or other responsibilities.

Oh...also totally just noticed your picture! Clearly you are to be trusted.

Thanks. I appreciate this. I’m worried about how to show the kids that I’m there for them while also knowing that I’m not sure I can make my way through this—I tend to struggle with getting to attached and have to move on for my own sanity—the last time I worked in non profit work I had to leave after only a year.

Just saw the ETA: be fair it might just be me thinking it’s super nice and everyone’s really wearing super cheap suits from the thrift store. It’s a long established non-profit with lots of history and connections so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with the dress code. I’m in the Northwest near a major city.

Ha, yes yes you did!

Capsule it. Sounds like a good idea.

Hm, yeah there is probably someone, I see the office admin a lot and she’s super friendly. She’s also been around for a few years and seen people come and go. She’ll probably be able to tell me what other people did/do with this job at least.

Oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks it might be more approachable if I didn’t look like a suit ad. I think I will ask. I know one of the reasons they wanted me for the job was that I am younger—they thought I could relate to the teens more. Hopefully, this will extend to the clothing a bit. Or at least

The other front line staff isn’t around very much (they have more sections of the city to cover) but the other dude who has my job wears full suits when I see him. On the other hand he’s only been there a few months so maybe he’s also still figuring out what’s okay?

Ha, I’d laugh...but maybe that’s just me??

OH! Yes, that makes way more sense than a chicken wrap. This is pretty, and I do see how they could be a signature style thing...but I like it a lot.

This is great advice. Thanks! I’m so glad I asked....I knew Jezzies would know how to deal with this!

Wraps? Sorry I’m going to need help on that one...what do you mean by wrap? Cause all I’m picturing is a food wrap. But then...maybe I’m just hungry.

Keeping stuff in the car is such a great idea! I do have to drive to get to these places....this makes soo much sense.

Thanks! This is good....minus the leopard. I even like the bag. I might take this picture with me when I go shopping.

Jezzies! I need some advice on dressing for work (I’m a lady).

Oh man....I had a fellow teacher yell at me three months in for being at a staff meeting. I mean I was 22 and baby faced, but I’d talked to this teacher at staff meetings it was just like um what?

That’s totally a thing that should make folks mad. I guess I’m just confused at why splitting things evenly is a thing at all instead of asking for separate checks at the beginning. Oh well thanks for answering my question anyway!

Sure it’s a shared experience, but it takes like 3 seconds to ask the server to split the check at the beginning of the meal. (I agree that it’s not a good idea to ask at the end) I don’t see how doing that somehow makes it less of a shared experience. It’s not a thing you have to think about again and then no fuss