I’ve never been referred to as a myth before....I think I’ll take it.
I’ve never been referred to as a myth before....I think I’ll take it.
Perhaps you can help answer a question that’s long bothered me. Why do people split the check down the middle? Restaurants will bring you checks that just include whatever you personally bought/ate. Why don’t people do that instead of spiting it evenly when one person had a salad and the other person had lobster?
....I really really really keep picturing you as my age in my head....so this was full of me being confused going...but 26 is totally close to your age! ....six years isn’t so bad, especially once you’re in your twenties.
I’m guessing no.
I’m all about sunscreen. My great aunt who is 89 has gorgeous skin all over (soft with few wrinkles, no spots) she says she does a milk bath once a month. I have no idea if that’s a thing that really works, but it seems to be working for her....you could do that just for your hands.
I have a lovely fancy watch but I have such a hard time getting the battery replaced so right now it’s just sitting in the drawer. I’m in my late twenties and when it’s working I totally wear it so you’re not weird.
Ha...yeah...no plants...they get mad at me. And thank you!
Ha. Yea baby steps. If it makes you feel better I just unpacked a suitcase that’s been sitting in the middle of the room for like a month. Adulting is hard.
Yay for adulting!
I feel for you! That’s the hardest part about moving! The boxes of books!
Nope. A nice hardcover is magical. I can switch out my paperbacks for the Kindle but the hardcovers stay and take up way too much room in my place.
It’s not the same! And I say this as someone who thinks Kindles are awesome.....but there is something about a real book.
A lot of the time I think that’s what they’re hoping for. That we’ll get so annoyed that we stop paying attention to them or what they’re doing.
I’ve heard of hope chests which I think lines up with your custom. Girls would store things for their future homes in them while growing up and when they got married they just had to collect the hope chest to be ready to prepare a new home.
....and now you’ve got me wondering about ancient Egypt’s wedding customs.
Yes? I wasn’t arguing against that, just that the “friend” seemed to think the gift she already got somehow didn’t count.*
...will do.
.....I’m sorry what? I feel like dude trying to kill you is totally a get out of marriage card.