
I think it’s partly that her support was limited to what you are terming “establishment” voters. Essentially, she was really, really popular among under-40 college-educated voters, but not particularly popular outside of that demographic.

I moved to a less competitive area so that I wouldn’t get called a faggot all the time and have to dodge objects flying from cars, but I was also never cool.

Have to agree. Bloomberg is pulling out of the race for one, and only one reason: because his investment is now secure. The Democratic Party believes it has successfully scared the humps into line, and all is now right with Bloomberg’s financial future.

Speaking as a Warren voter, Bloomberg’s overperformance was still the biggest punch in the gut of the night.

^^^This. While I’ve run numerous local campaigns, I’ve only worked on one major congressional campaign. I was tokenized (I’m African American, Mexican and gay) and I would get frustrated at times but I also knew I was the best person to speak to my peeps.

“Three said they were marginalized by the campaign and felt that their problems only worsened when they were addressed to higher-ups and human resources. Megan Lewis, a field organizer who left in December after a seven-month stint, said that there despite filing an HR complaint about the off-putting atmosphere of

Field work is some of the most grueling and “voiceless” campaign work. Its often about hitting so many doors and phones and having a great contact rate. But its SO important. There isn’t really much room for having a voice, because your job is literally conveying a candidate’s voice. The idea of getting involved in a

how do i live here and only just learned that Sandi Toksvig took over QI?

She’s kinda been hamstrung by the changing political landscape of the Democratic primary voting base. On paper, and were this 2006, she would be a daunting political prospect. But everything that’s happened since 2006, as well as the bevy of other candidates, has combined to inadvertently undermine her campaign.

It’s remarkable how unprepared these guys are to craft a message in defense of their policies.


I definitely don’t have all the answers to this but I think treating them as a symptom of a larger public health problem could lead to some solutions. Off the top of my head:

I actually think that the best strategy to defeat Biden is to attack him for not having vision for the future. You have all of these progressive and left leaning moderate candidates with actual ideas and vision and policies; and then you have Biden with has a few milquetoast suggestions that don’t inspire anyone.

Moderates and “centrists” hold power because we have a two-party system. You can’t expect a truly and purely progressive party to thrive in a two-party system, especially not when the system of government is itself built around a series of checks and balances designed to stifle disruptive changes to the country. This

I share that fear.

This is a plausible scenario. The media have been virtually ignoring Harris. She is very charismatic and might catch fire once the voters see more of her. I also think (and hope!) that Biden will fizzle out. And Bernie is a known entity; if people wanted to support him, then they would have already done so. It’s no

I so appreciate your comment. I’m a survivor, like her, and I developed an eating disorder as a result. This story is hitting me hard, in ways I can’t fully understand at the moment. I’m confused about what constitutes “surviving,” and what my obligations are for “getting better,” and to whom. I feel more hopeless

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

This post deserves 51 stars.

Everyone who is not extremely rich is on the same side.