
The math is what the math is. Sanders is getting out because, presumably, his inability to actively campaign over the last few weeks has forced him into a head space that allows him to see what was self-evident to everybody other than Sanders and his most devoted die hards weeks ago: He had no path to victory, and the

And I have no idea where you’re getting the notion that support for gay marriage “tanked again” at any time leading up to Biden supporting it.

I’m familiar, which is why I pointed out the fact that there were down ballot races in some states since March 17 (Illinois and Wisconsin being the two that come to mind). But unless the argument is that he stayed in because he wanted to drive up Democratic turnout in WI for reasons other than earning himself

Again, the administration had a role to play in the courts, and in ruling after ruling and law after law, the Obama DOJ stopped defending those laws on behalf of the State. By 2013, after Obama had been pushed by Biden to take a position in support of gay marriage, the administration was actively appealing to the

He had less than a one in 100 chance of winning the nomination a month ago. He won like four states not including his home state, and every state he won (except Vermont), he had a 30-35 point ceiling. In states he lost, he had a 20-point floor.

Ultimately, it was decided in the courts, but part of that journey involved the administration instructing the DOJ to stop defending laws like DOMA in the courts, and Biden was the first and highest ranking member of that or any administration to publicly endorse the concept of same sex marriage (all but forcing the

He was the highest ranking American politician to come out in favor of lifting all bans on same sex marriage, which was initially viewed as a gaffe because the president (and most other Democratic politicians) had taken the public stance in support of the civil union half measure. Biden went on national television and

It’s good that he’s finally getting out. I’m not sure why he waited until after Wisconsin voters were forced to stand in line during a pandemic primary or, for that matter, the voters of the St. Patrick’s Day primaries. I mean, it’s not like he and Biden have been actively campaigning for the last two or three weeks—wh

Not for nothing, but Biden actually was a catalyst for marriage equality. Not saying he’s not a huge old guard establishment figure, but let’s not oversell how useless in every way that the nominee is. He’s not my first or second or third choice, either. 

I’m not saying, nor have I said whether she should be believed or not. My point from the start has been that in a world in which people will want to find reasons to disbelieve her, her adoration of Vladimir Putin in the context of the accusation and our current geopolitical climate give people ample justification to

A sexual assault survivor who is a vocal supporter of somebody who brags of committing exactly the kind of sexual assault she claims to be a victim of? That would be a red flag. It wouldn’t mean she’s lying. But it would be grounds people would feel reasonably comfortable with ignoring her over. 

Yeah, but it’s all the way uptown. The capitol is downtown. It’s like...20 minutes in current Atlanta traffic. 

Despite Kemp’s protest that the CDC didn’t tell him the virus can be transmitted through asymptomatic people, both the CDC website and federal officials, including US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, have been issuing that very warning for over a month.

Pro-tip: That comment is performative as hell.

I’m not presenting any kind of conspiracy theory. I’m simply stating that her affinity for Putin, which she’s since tried to hide, undermines her public credibility. You don’t have to view it as some kind of Russian conspiracy to find it peculiar that the only person who’s come forward to claim they’ve been assaulted

I’ve heard it. Again, me saying she has a credibility problem is not a judgment that she cannot be telling the truth. It is a simple acknowledgment that she claims to be sexual assault victim while also being somebody who, as recently as 2018, was offering effusive praise for a president-for-life dictator who counts fa

I’m really shocked about how little mockery “Not Me, Us” got among people who peddle in such criticism. Has there ever been a campaign slogan in which the central message it’s trying to get across is so completely aware of the degree to which the candidate is viewed as a narcissist? His slogan was literally “I assure

Just as a note: When you continually prop up your own argument by seeking to mischaracterize what other people are saying, that’s a tell.

It has nothing to do with how I think she “should” have responded to her purported trauma. Should have is neither here nor there. But if you’re literally going to try to say that “believe women” is a policy that should overlook pertinent questions about a person’s credibility, then I’m going to suggest that you don’t

It’s not about being pro- or anti-American. As I said, this very well could have happened to her. But it’s not ideal for her credibility that as recently as two years ago, she was singing the praises of a strong-arm dictator who helped to elevate a man that bragged about committing, again, precisely the assault she