
This is all so silly and so predictable. The sector of progressive movement as encapsulated by The Young Turks is so performative and useless.

I’m not calling anybody anything. I’m saying it’s a hell of a weird coincidence that the one person accusing Joe Biden of assault is a fangirl for the guy who helped to install as president a man who literally bragged on tape about committing exactly the kind of assault that she says she’s a victim of.

She absolutely could be a victim of sexual assault, but when you’re the victim of sexual assault by a powerful man, it does seem...odd that you would become drawn to, functionally, a dictator who not only has a long history of violently imposing his will against journalists, his neighbors and his own people—but who

We can all claim to know what is or is not irrelevant. She’s the one who attempted to conceal her absurd level of adoration for Putin when she chose to come forward. Whether they’re relevant or not, she’s the one who draws a connection between those two points. That’s the point I’m making.

Actually, Dr. Blasey Ford made her accusation years prior, just not publicly. She had told people contemporaneously and she had spoken about it in therapy, so whether Reade is telling the truth or not, the parallel seems weak.

Okay. Make that argument. Give it a go. 

You’re the one who called her an idiot. If she’s a victim, you’re the one attacking her. I’m just pointing out that the idiocy (again, your word) is of a precise brand that you can’t simply hand wave away simply because you want to. So you’re within your rights to dismiss that, but be honest about why you’re

Simply dismissing her Putin adoration as run-of-the-mill idiocy is a bad take. She may be an idiot. She may have been legitimately assaulted. But the Putin stuff, her sloppy attempts to hide it and her contradictory stories that have sought to explain it away are a very precise brand of idiocy that cannot be easily

Idiots can be assaulted. And maybe she was. But it’s not unremarkable that by far the most serious accusation against the president’s general election opponent comes from a Putin zealot who took steps to hide evidence of that adoration when she chose to come forward with (at the time) less serious accusations.

She deserves to be heard. But it’s noteworthy that the only person who has ever accused Joe Biden (who was vice president for eight years) of something remotely as serious as this has such comically built-in credibility issues. I mean, if you were growing a person in a lab to have their accusations of misconduct

I mean, the dirty old man/MeToo vulnerabilities have always been built into who Biden was going to be as a candidate. Aside from his age, it was those vulnerabilities that had me hoping that he’d never even consider running—and assuming that he would eventually flame out if he did.

Moreover, she doesn’t value her “freedom” over her life. 

Read the whole sentence son. 

That was only really true in Illinois. Arizona and Florida both have down ballot primaries scheduled for later in the year.

Maybe the most noteworthy part of the Oprah story for me is that it started trending overnight following a primary, and when I woke up this morning (at 4:30), several Oprah related hashtags were trending and zero hashtags having to do with the primaries were.

The state governments of Florida, Illinois and Arizona really boned this. I mean, I get that Florida is huge and that Illinois was holding down ballot primaries, but there’s something inherently disenfranchising about federal and state governments telling people they have to stay home and away from crowds while those

Nobody’s asking you to be pleased. Democracy is what it is, and what it is happens to be frustrating as hell for people who advocate on behalf of progressive reforms, even in the best of times. You either learn that lesson and work tirelessly toward what frustratingly little could be accomplished or you piss and moan

Biden’s hope is that with a woman at his side, liberal voters will forget about the time he tried to gut contraception coverage in the Affordable Care Act and his support of the Hyde Amendment, in addition to his obvious inability to stop belittling the women he comes into casual contact with.

I think the claim that Sanders would have beaten Trump (admittedly, not something I ever found particularly credible) has really taken a beating during the primary. Basically, Sanders has 30-35 percent support in the Democratic Party, which is to say that he’s lost about 20-25 percent of the support he had four years

She was a member of the military who willfully disclosed classified information during wartime that very likely put her fellow service members at even greater risk than they were already in. Then, because she’s also an idiot with obvious self-destructive tendencies, she bragged about her crime to a fellow service