
It is worth acknowledging that if Biden is elected president, he will be elected with the most progressive platform of any American president in history. 

For starters, your first statement is false. By March 13, Obama led Clinton by over a hundred delegates. Even if you want to say that more states had voted by mid-March than have gone so far, that’s true, but there was never a point in the entirety of the 2008 campaign where Hillary Clinton led Barack Obama by 150

Solid reminder that incumbency is a good thing to have. This won’t be easy. Even in the face of two huge global crises, the president’s base will not abandon him. Even as they begin to legitimately panic over the spread of COVID19, they also still kind of think it’s all a hoax perpetrated by the president’s enemies to

There’s something I find remarkable about my own capacity, even three-plus years in, to underestimate the absolute reckless incompetence of this administration.

I sympathize with her, but she should really testify. While some people like to look at Manning as a hero and others like to view her as something more of a villain or stooge, I think the truth is that she is today, just as she was 10 years ago, an emotionally troubled person who is predisposed to doing

If he cared about any of what he claims to care about, his first concern would be winning. And when that’s your first concern, you don’t embrace a strategy that assumes you can win with only 30-35 percent of the vote.

Jackass, it’s not just the Supreme Court we’re losing. And yeah, if Trump were reelected, we’d very likely lose one if not two of the four remaining liberal justices on SCOTUS. You respond to that failure of everybody left of center, most definitely including you, by saying’s already screwed. But we’re gonna

And then what? I get that strategic or tactical thinking is more of an establishment type of thing, but think your thoughts all the way through to the end. What happens to the progressive movement with four more years of judges appointed by Donald Trump? You understand the concept of a lifetime appointment, right?

Again, I think you’re misunderstanding the scenario I’m describing. Yes, those are competitive states. Clearly, Clinton could have spent more time in those states. Acting as though she was a perfect candidate or that she ran a perfect campaign is (and was always) silly.

Well, that may be. But it’s a dumb distinction. All but two states are winner take all in the general. Moreover, if that’s the argument, even from a logical perspective, what sense would it make to have Californians have a disproportionately large say in who the Democratic nominee should be? Californians are going to

For the record. I don’t fully blame no-show Sanders supporters for Clinton’s loss. I think it’s absolutely ridiculous for Sanders or his supporters to claim that they share none of the blame—when the margins in important states are so thin, assuming you can eliminate any contributing cause to a loss is probably

Just as a pro tip: You don’t get to be the group that says only our guy can win because he generates enthusiasm and turnout that is unique to him and that is off limits to everybody else AND be the group who says “we’re not responsible if you nominate somebody other than our guy and they lose.”

I’m not suggesting that you “owe Biden anything.” He kicked your guy’s ass. That you owe him something for his trouble is a weird inference.

Don’t be silly. The way to do that is to cease campaign activities, acknowledge the result, have a series of calls and meetings (a summit, if you will) in which the two camps can come to common ground and then have the inevitable endorsement rally.

I’m not trying to wrap him up. I’m suggesting that there’s absolutely nothing to be gained by Democrats, the progressive movement or Sanders’ legacy in Bernie Sanders continuing a primary campaign he’s already lost while seeking to undermine the guy who beat him from the left.

Told me so about what? I’m far from confident about Biden’s chances in the general. They’re just way better than Bernie Sanders’ chances. Biden, as evidenced by all of the data we can reasonably refer to as evidence, is a demonstrably better candidate than Bernie Sanders. He can lose in November and that assessment

So he’s giving Joe Biden a chance to make a positive case for his own candidacy to skeptical Biden voters...

I assure you that if it were Barack Obama on the ballot, I would feel a great deal more comfortable with Bernie Sanders’ choosing to go on making a fool of himself. But if it were Barack Obama on the ballot running on the same exact platform as Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders wouldn’t have won a single state. It’s not

We’ll see.

I’ve said many, many times before that Biden should not have run and the fact that he and Sanders chose to run ruined what might have been a very good primary debate over the future and present of the party. But Biden has one thing going for him that Sanders will never have: He fucking won.