
I choose to picture in my mind Garak from Star Trek Deep Space 9 and what his Supreme Court confirmation process would be like.

There’s no shortcuts to the process, man. It’s all a carefully planned program. The workouts, strict diet, scientifically designed supplement regime. But’s the fire in your belly. Do you want it? Do you? Junior knows the sacrifices. He LIVES to challenge the iron...and himself. So, scoff if you must,

My reaction to the...amazing...Don Jr. news today can be summed up with this:

He’s heeling it up pretty good. Had his manager interfere to help get the win, then his buddies came out and jumped dude and gave him the beatdown after the match.

We’re all watching a predator at work.

Part of the issue is they’re currently flooding animal shelters in most large cities, and therefore being adopted in great numbers by people who aren’t equipped to handle them. Including families with children....I think if those families saw how insanely overrepresented pit bulls are in child deaths caused by dog

Not just you. But: pall.

A USURPER! YOU ARE A USURPER! This council has no hesitation in proclaiming you:

Unfortunately, it’s not the case that you need to be an RN to call yourself a midwife. At least in certain states. It’s a real thorn in my side. I’m an RN (not a CNM which is a designation only for midwives with an RN and additional advanced training- specifically a masters in midwifery) and it annoys the hell out of

Having Murray as a father was pretty problematic.

What were the Ottomans doing there in the 12th century?!

Agreed, ironically enough I found his video smelled about white-saviorey. No one is denying these two girls were a victim, they were just trying to support the two literally dead men and him. That isn’t so much a white savior complex as trying to take care of two dead people’s families.

Now playing

Anytime I think about the 2 video thing I think about Beavis and Butthead:

Yup I remember reading a morbidly obese fan saw him in concert and Danzig invited him backstage. He and the band made several fat jokes and mocked him as he left. This short old ass motherfucker is too thirsty for the spotlight.

Glorification is virtually unavoidable in cinema.

The Muse had a post about it about a month ago.

It’s not just about exposure. The recommended age is 11-12 because that’s when the immune system has the best response to the vaccine. The FDA recently approved a two-dose schedule for kids age 9-14, but older teens still need three doses because the immune response isn’t a good.

I grew up in rural Alaska. Chopping wood was a daily and very satisfying chore (though I would never have admitted it to my parents, of course!)