
In which case, I’m even sorrier to report that when the time comes that you realize how silly you are, you’re also going to be really old. 

It’s a cute dream. I’m sorry to inform you that you’re not the first generation to dream it. You’re just the latest. 

Harris checks like four and half of those boxes as it is. The smart money is on Harris, I think. It might not end up being her, but she’s vastly more qualified than most of the other candidates people are putting on the short-list, and I do suspect that Biden may appreciate the symmetry of him selecting Harris (a

Lost his mother before he was old enough to build actual lasting memories of her. Grew up the black sheep son of a prominent man.

He does not seem to be a great person, but there are definitely better hands to be dealt for a guy who otherwise grew up with extraordinary privilege. 

Haley would seem to have the inside track, assuming 2020 and 2022 are not crazy sea change elections. 

Most people’s options were not six-hour lines. My brother voted in downtown Raleigh (which is a college town and absolutely a Sanders district) on Tuesday and was in and out in 10 minutes. The long lines at places in TX and CA were disheartening, but let’s not make excuses for the fact that Sanders’s entire argument

Not to be the I’d wear a shirt with Nancy Pelosi’s face on it, just not that shirt with Nancy Pelosi’s face on it guy, but in this case, I guess I kind of am that guy, and that’s a really bad shirt.

That’s the safest bet. The one caveat is that they obviously probably need to mend some fences over where they were when Harris tried to gut Biden in the first 20 minutes of the campaign.

I’m generally frustrated with how this nominating contest went, too, but let’s not go overboard. More women for president this time than ever before. As devastating as Clinton’s loss was four years ago, no American other than Barack Obama has ever received more votes in an election than she did.

They would definitely rather lose with their candidates than lose with Sanders, if that’s what you mean. Because losing with Sanders likely means losing more congressional districts, state legislatures, governorships and senate seats. Meanwhile, they would also rather win with their candidates than win with Sanders,

Warren was a “snake” because Warren is a Democrat. We can try to over think it and put it off on other things, but the appeal Sanders has with so many Sanders supporters is the illusion of revolution. It’s an adolescent fascination with the concept of rebellion that says nothing worth winning comes on the other side

It’s literally as though you guys actively try to come up with the most ridiculous ways to demonstrate that you’re incapable of learning any useful lessons from victory or defeat.

How’s that working out so far?

I think the one (pretty significant) miscalculation Klobuchar made from the start was that the smart play was to set up camp, if anything, to Biden’s right and genuinely ran on a platform that seemed intent to throw cold water on every single progressive goal. I think one of the first things she said in the first

All three of those seem more likely to be on Biden’s list. Duckworth endorsed Biden. Abrams is nowhere near as progressive as I think a lot of progressives think she is and while she’s super ambitious, she also seems pretty risk averse when it comes to joining or starting losing campaigns and Baldwin, while a

She didn’t gain ground because the message she chose to go with only resonates with 30 percent of the primary participants. And 80 percent of that 30 percent were off limits to her. Had she tried, there was probably at least 30 percent to be had in the ground between Biden and Sanders. And then she would have been in

To say that you can’t understand why a Warren supporter would go with anybody other than Sanders is simply to say that you don’t really understand Warren’s appeal or who many of her supporters are.

I thought Indonesia national elections were Parliamentary and therefore not for any single person. I stand corrected.

Eh... I’ve known plenty of smart, leftist New Yorkers in my life. In my experience their skills of comprehension are not a glaring weakness. Like most people everywhere, its their lack of will when it comes to exercising the critical thinking necessary in achieving empathy that leads them to incorrectly claim that

You’re right. I mispoke. I forgot that Pressley was a Warren supporter (I don’t have live television, so I miss most talking heads stuff). At any rate, I don’t think most people ever regularly considered Haaland to be a member of the Squad. I think she’s probably considered to be too much of a party insider (she had a