
Well, I did the calculation in my head, and I came away with the conclusion that given the options of that response and the one that attempted to offer an explanation of why Bernie Sanders is a narcissist who is far more concerned about his status as the leader of a movement than he is about any of the purported goals

Do you really find Klobuchar’s appeal inexplicable? Putting aside that every candidate has flaws and shortcomings and Klobuchar was obviously no different...inexplicable? You can’t muster the energy to begin to credibly and fairly rationalize what it is about her, her personality, her performances in the final few

Hillary Clinton received more votes than anybody not named Barack Obama in the history of human democracy. This was a discouraging outcome, and you can’t discount the role sexism played in it (obviously). Warren also could have run with a smarter campaign strategy.

Well...who is a bad ass VP pick for Sanders?

Not yet, but the math has never favored Sanders in a two-person race. His strength was always in a split field, and despite what his supporters seem to believe, what’s left of Warren’s support is not a monolith and it is not likely (even with a Warren endorsement) to make go en masse to Sanders.

My gift to you is that I’m not going to try to make you see it. You’re welcome. 

I think it’s the over-55 and under-35 crowds that doomed her, honestly. I think she had reasonably strong appeal with white, college educated Gen-Xers, which (full disclosure) is my demo. I just think she skewed too far into Sanders’s lane to attract anybody over 55 and that she was never going to have the lion’s

If I’m speaking of myself personally, she was not my first choice, but I definitely prefer what a strong Warren candidacy might have been to the Biden candidacy we are at this point likely to get. Ideologically, I fall between the two of them but closer to Warren than to Biden. Strictly speaking, that likely means I’m

At this point, to what degree do you think Warren’s remaining support is primarily ideological. Obviously, it’s not ideologically monolithic, but how much of what is left in Warren’s support are more ideological and how much is more what Sanders supporters would prefer to call “establishment” leaning white

I mean, to be fair, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that the two of them were diagnosed with the same personality disorder.

She also probably should have adjusted her lane just a tick to the right. I don’t know how much of a difference it would have made in the final analysis, but if she’d run more or less in the same lane (if a tick to the left) as Buttigieg, I firmly believe she would have remained competitive.

Including my district, the Georgia Sixth, which Tom Price won two years earlier by 20 points.

Biden very well may not be the answer, and it frustrates me to no end that he and Sanders allowed their egos and ambitions to drive them into running this year. But of the remaining candidates, as uninspiring as many may find him, Biden is likely the strongest when it comes to winning the races Democrats need to win.

That’s definitely a worrisome plausibility; however, I think the reality of a Trump presidency does at least make the threat of another four years seem more pressing to people who rationalized staying home four years ago because they don’t understand statistical probability and assume a 10-25 percent chance of

Progressive puritans love to lecture people on how to win competitive races despite the fact that progressives literally never do. They may win competitive primaries. But if it’s in a competitive (i.e., purple) district, they lose the general. Every time. 

I don’t think that would happen to you in my competitive district. But I’m not promising anything. It wasn’t that long ago that it was an entirely noncompetitive district (but in the wrong sort of way), so...

With Biden, I don’t think you can reasonably dismiss the idea that, on the whole, Democrats like him. It’s not just that they know him. They like him. That was a big part of what Sanders supporters last time around didn’t get about Hillary Clinton. Yeah, people understood that she had flaws, but Democrats generally

Kim Gordon further cementing the notion that all the cool kids (even the cool kids who are old enough to collect Social Security) are with Sanders. Unfortunately, the cool kids tend to come from or gravitate toward places where they’ve never cast a statistically meaningful vote and have a hard time getting inside the

For the record, I don’t think Biden is really slowing. I think Biden has always been hit or miss in front of cameras and that his advanced age is making it easier to exploit his propensity for Biden as being a symptom of something. I think he’s as cognitively fine as he’s ever been, such as he is, but it does say

I didn’t think any of the three of them were ideal general election candidates, and nothing that’s transpired over the last nine months has changed my perspective. If Warren could have figured out a way to maintain her momentum in the fall and Sanders had allowed the heart attack to serve as a sign that maybe it was