
What snow?

I bought this one and tried it. Really harsh smoke and no buzz at all. Maybe it wasn’t what I thought it was.

I bought this one and tried it. Really harsh smoke and no buzz at all. Maybe it wasn’t what I thought it was.

Bob: Here’s yer keys. Thanks for letting me borrow the pickup.”

These are a great idea. However, they will not work with a Windows phone.

These are a great idea. However, they will not work with a Windows phone.

This works. I used to waste my time carrying my own beans and a grinder, but I find this is a little faster and takes up much less room in my bag:

Mind blown.

This can also be problematic when you’re married.

You may be ‘Play The Typewriter Cool’ but you’ll never be ‘Frank Zappa plays a Bicycle with Steve Allen Cool (1963)’.

If talking cars are like talking drivers...

I got an XBox One last year and it’s been a great system. I don’t play a LOT of games, I like to get one or two and play them thoroughly. I enjoy the Forza series and I’m looking at Horizon 3. I also have to battle my daughter all the time for access, since she’s decided to be the family gamer. She has mad skills in

If you want to go even further back, check out Deathrace 2000 (1975) with David Carradine, Sly Stallone and a bunch of other stars from that period. It’s like the Great Race movies with, you know, killing and stuff.

Does this work for meat?

Excellent article. I wish I’d had these insights 30 years ago.

This one always seems to get a good response.

Very nice ink.

This is why Changsha is not a good destination. Whoever heard of an airport without a Cinnabon? Tiān nǎ!

Thanks, good article. When I had a loft sometime in the late 20th Century, I had a worktable made from a 4' by 8' sheet of 3/4" plywood with a good coat of enamel and a 2x4 frame that put it up 48". It was a great work surface for everything from writing to stretching canvases. Good storage underneath too. Since then


Must try!

This one seems priced about right.