No love for Solitaire?
No love for Solitaire?
One good source for grindable spices is Trader Joe’s. They sell several peppers and others in jars with grinders incorporated into the lid.
Hi Shep, I picked up one of these on sale last time for my iPhone 5. It has a good snug fit for the Apple charger. It has a definite cool factor with the tri-light power light and it makes use of an existing charger. It’s only 1800 mAh and provides a 1 amp charge. So it’s sloooow, but when you need it, it’s good to…
Hi Shep, I picked up one of these on sale last time for my iPhone 5. It has a good snug fit for the Apple charger.…
Read the fine print. The coffins come in a pack of 24.
Maybe we can have President Trump extend the Mexico wall a bit further east, although skipping past Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama would leave the border somewhat porous.
And leather gloves!
The rider does a dick move about 1:15 in the first video when he shoot past another rider, using them as a pick. What was the other rider supposed to do when the flying buttmunch blew by followed by a raging cage driver?
This is a nice drive. I’m using it to back up all the old computers, phones and other devices around the crib in a single place. I actually bought it about three weeks ago at Cosco for the same price and with the OneDrive perk. I don’t know if it’s still at that price there. I did have to invest in a USB 3 card for my…
This is a nice drive. I’m using it to back up all the old computers, phones and other devices around the crib in a…
You have obviously never heard of the Dog Web.
I was sitting in the botanical gardens in Sydney when a cockatoo glided in to land bear a eucalyptus. I pointed it out to my wife. We watched as more arrived, eventually about a dozen. They proceeded to rip the shit out of the bark on the tree and one of them even picked the little sign out of the ground, threw it…
Hater. You realize that there will now be a character named cranky-messiah in Orain’s book that will experience horrific humiliation, terrific pain and a hilarious death or comuppance.
I love this kind of creativity. The best part of humans is their engaged imagination. I wish they could sell sets of these without running into all the trademark and copyright flak. I want a Macornas action figure! With gas-bang action!
Orian, are you really George R. R. Martin?
Hey, no love for Windows phones? The MS store is running a good ten-cent promo this week with movie rentals, apps and music. Worth a look.
Hey, no love for Windows phones? The MS store is running a good ten-cent promo this week with movie rentals, apps…
Sorry, but this played like a great clips commercial with about a half second of the fan facing the other bench. I got my hair cut there a couple of times but it’s a throw of the dice since the barbarettes keep changing. It’s like going to guitar center or best buy a month after you buy something and look for the…
Ha! I was just reading the second heading, about the adition of ads as an annoyance and one of the inescapable Lifehacker popup ads appeared. Irony? Hmmm.
Cockpit Knowledge looks like a good book, but you can also learn a lot from Michael Crichton’s Airframe.
Cockpit Knowledge looks like a good book, but you can also learn a lot from Michael Crichton’s Airframe.