
New Mutants?

I sure this review will be received reasonably and people, regardless of whether or not they agree with it, will debate politely. It’s a good thing Star Wars has never caused people to behave in a disagreeable fashion.

I’m pretty sure HOAs are Nazis.

does anyone even care about this movie?

“I won’t talk the rest of the show,” Meghan murmured, McCainly.

Sinclair pushes a far right agenda too so the spirit of the headline is still correct.

So, you’d prefer a system where some bureaucrat who doesn’t really know you gets to decide whether you’re worth spending money on or whether you should just be left to die/deal with whatever you’re dealing with?”


I know the film is divisive but any criticism seems to be politicized. I hope now that the actors themselves are saying it was kinda bullshit means we can discuss the film like adults now? Or are they Trump trolls too?

Exactly. Like, the fact that we’re STILL trying to pretend “this movie is perfect and the only people who don’t like it are racist and sexist” is such a weird take considering even the stars and especially Luke Skywalker himself are going “nah it wasn’t great.”

At the end if the day it’s a movie about one space ship running out of gas and a bunch of other space ships not being able to catch it for some reason.

I love Star Wars but I really hate talking about Star Wars.

This is incredibly refreshing. Even the folks involved think it was just a meh movie. Hopefully we can now stop with the sweatily-desperate claims that all criticisms of TLJ is just right-wing trolling. I love John Boyega, and he and Mark are right to be critical of the film and the experience, as is JJ.

Bending over backwards to handwave away legitimate criticism of TLJ is a weird take.

I hate - HATE - agreeing with JJ on anything, but this?


Exactamundo. That scene in lockup with everyone huddling around Egon and Ray as they go into what they’re up against? Still kind of gets to me. 

The original Ghostbusters movies were a horror franchise written by comedians. The recent reboot was a comedy movie written by comedy writers. I feel like that was the secret sauce the reboot didn’t have.

Something people tend to forget about that first movie is its big Lovecraft energy. The whole idea of this terrifying inhuman realm just below the surface of everyday life. 

It needs to be scary. That’s something the last one forgot about, I believe. Ghostbusters was a comedy but also made sure to put in some good legitimate scares. I don’t exactly have a lot of faith in this project (as much as I love Paul Rudd) but the tone is key in nailing. Dry comedy + good scares = memorable film.