
Don’t bring logic and common sense to this fight, bro.

To be fair, it looks a lot like the original Air Force Space Command badge (which this new branch is meant to replace)

Most audiences are dumb.

What the fuck is happening

Yes, Holmes is described in the first novel, A Study in Scarlet, as ‘an expert singlestick player, boxer, and swordsman’. In the second novel, The Sign of the Four, Holmes talks his way around a gatekeeper who says he doesn’t know him by saying ‘Oh yes you do, McMurdo. I don’t think you can have forgotten me. Don’t

Dear God they look old. They look like rejected Skeksis designs someone fished out of the Henson Creature Shop dumpster. Joe Perry especially.

People kept claiming I’d get more conservative as I got older, but they didn’t count on conservatives getting catastrophically stupid.

“I just got arrested for making the perfect meal!” -J. Dahmer.

If this man didn’t have the power and potential to kill us all, I would find these amusing.

There is only one Star Trek show I want

What makes this even worse is that these are the kids of people who are “winners” in society while the rest of us work for peanuts. 

I will gladly contribute $10 to your Kickstarter. 

Jim Spanfeller is doing more to hurt the internet than the dot com bust. Deadspin is dead, Kotaku is dying. Where are we gonna get the good shit?

Jim Spanfeller is a boneheaded incompetent idiot and I have no idea why anyone would expect him to make a smart business decision.

Fucking herb

HBO...will premiere McMillions

Shit, i just assumed it was jezebel, i didn’t even look at the title bar.

The fuck does this have to do with anything else on Gizmodo?

Disney always insists that I’m this character... which I can’t argue with.