
But Brandon, I understand all the jokes, it totally made getting my AA in “Undecided Studies” worth it.

I agree with pretty much all that you’ve said- its the reason I waited until last month to buy a switch. Nintendo does a fantastic job of creating amazing games, there just needs to be more of them! With Luigi’s Manse, Pokemon, then Animal Crossing early next year there’s a lot to play on the horizon... but after that

Game looks right up my alley. One question, is it fun with just 2 people? Me and my partner are looking for a fun game for just the two of us.

Game looks right up my alley. One question, is it fun with just 2 people? Me and my partner are looking for a fun

Picture taken shortly before gender (really its sex) reveal

So very true. I think its because of the nature of video games themselves. Its a very personal experience, it almost lends itself to entitlement.

Since Disney owns FOX does that mean King of the Hill will be on Disney+ ?

Author intent and literary criticism are not mutually exclusive.

Suspense! haha I totally forgot about that show, I used to listen to it with my granddad when I was younger. They were actually pretty damn great... I particularly remember a haunted house episode that was really fun. What a twist!

It seems that “some people” generally are white males struggling with misogyny and diversity. Storytelling/movie making is a tool that frames how we perceive our world/society. Since its inception the film industry have told us that we should fear minorities and make women submit to men. Now just a handful of films

Checks to see if it got a B-

pics or it didnt happen

I’m upset!

This will be the most expensive movie never made! Looking forward to the remake of Steel Magnolias without all those trash women. God those lib tards ruin everything!


Tales...... From............ Home........

Its on Netflix now on Sundays. Different day of the week, same show essentially. Now they can make fun of Kim and Co as well. Win win

I totally agree! Also, we live on Earth, its not like we’re in a sterile vacuum. Its so strange to think that people want to eradicate all other lifeforms in/around their homes.

My thoughts exactly. Growing up in Florida taught me not to fear flying roaches and house lizards. Actually, the more lizards running around the less bugs.