
Michigan and California have no excuse mail in ballots, so if anyone had to stand in line it’s a little bit on them. 

Since 5 got thrown out it’s been exponentially worse. 

I don’t think anyone has said there isn’t voter suppression, it’s a huge problem! But it’s also kind of the way it is right now, the Democratic party in general, especially it’s most progressive members have a harder time voting, it’s why the party needs to win by 7-9% just to get a majority, but voting while it’s

Well he said it on 60 minutes, and he was right. But the problem is now you have to waste oxygen explaining the nuances of Cuba policy on the campaign trail. Maybe the idea that this is a good thing is why Sanders keeps losing primaries?

My point is that Bernie says a good thing about Cuba and gets zero boost from it, there isn’t much of a pro-Castro demo that isn’t already leaning towards Sanders. So he says a nice Cuba thing, and it becomes the star of the next news cycle and either he or his surrogates have to spend time clarifying or otherwise

If he’s running in an election, yes. It’s one of those things where you’re technically right but it leads to a news cycle where you defend and clarify instead of talking about your own policy, and you get zero upside out of it. 

Is it the same guy that has to tell Bernie to stop mentioning all the good parts of Cuba?

I’ll fall for it, because Biden is putting the kind of voter coalition together that won the 2018 midterms and he’s doing well with demographics that exist in swing states. I would prefer that Sanders do this, but it hasn’t born out yet. 

I pointed out to someone on twitter that Sanders could have just as easily tried to get the Clymer endorsement or others from respected politicians, but he said they were part of the problem and while Bernie was out protesting all Lewis did was walk across a bridge.

I’m sure they won’t attract rock crawlers and people that want to look like them, but there are a ton of mall crawler Wranglers out there. 

Well the vaccine is actually pretty good at prevention, plus we have medication like Tamiflu for the infected. COVID spreads faster and has a higher death rate, especially among people with respiratory problems and compromised immune systems.

You should learn the difference between those two things first. Also keep in mind we have socialism now, it just only applies to the wealthy

Youth turnout is still below 50%, lowest of any age group. It would be different if Millennials weren’t the biggest voting block, but they are, and all they need to do to take power is show up and take it.

Semms like there may have been an issue depending on the year. Kid I went to school with had like an 02 2WD with a 4.3/5spd and it would run low 16s all day 

If you think Tesla has a bad customer service experience, boy Harley isn’t going to fix that lol

Well, they’re a lot less serious now for a reason. 

One of my instructors when I went to Tech school had the 80s FWD version of these as a beater. On the back it was supposed to have a badge that said “Imported By Mitsubishi for Dodge” But half of it fell off and all that was left was po ed or Dodge, so that’s what we called it.

People like to mention the giving her the questions for the debate, but it’s not like there are a bunch of possible questions, you can probably guess at least half of them. 

On the other hand NH gets the Boston media market, which spends it’s time savaging Warren. 

I know here in PA our Republican legislature blocked it for years because we didn’t need big gubmint teelin us what to do!