
Some. At this point I just burn vats of oil to kill the planet for you. I also don’t have kids, so if you do you can never touch my reduced carbon footprint no matter what you do. 

So is this website, get off of it

I don’t like the tone of this piece where OBVIOUSLY the blogger that wrote it KNEW the launch would never happen. HAHA, STUPID SCIENTISTS. 

The only reason SpaceX still exists is because of taxpayer money from NASA lmao. You guys all get carried 26 miles to the finish line and celebrate the last .2

Also the one thing they choose to compare is all the public hate Kanye generates to a picture pete initially just sent to him, am I right or did he post it also?

What’s the difference between a spoiled little girl and a spoiled little boy, and why do you see one as worse than the other?

We just call that “hosting fundraising dinners” where all his rich friends come to spend 1500 per plate to eat

Yep, boomer ends around 1965

If they get VINs assigned to the vehicles as custom builds that might ne part of the issue, they contract for a certain serial number and moving that number around to other customer vehicles is difficult to do.

Because our judicial system is designed to inflict maximum pain, not justice 

The point I’m making though is that you can’t really compare per well long term employment to per wind farm overall. Even if you did it might still come out in favor of the well, you have 2-4 well tenders responsible for the day to day upkeep on multiple wells, drivers to haul off produced water and brine, maintenance

Per well is a few months, but a common misconception is that we stop drilling wells at some point. Once the well completes they just move to the next one, we’ve been cycling for over 10 years at this point. They might drill 4 wells on a pad and frac them, then come back two years later and drill four more.

I didn’t realize that 2x6s were chopsticks, what are they framing walls with everywhere else?

It just takes way less people to do the work. As a small example, a rig in the Marcellus/Utica fields where I work has:

Why would he care? He contracted a local company to build it and get it to trials, if they go bankrupt doing it and lay everyone off that’s their problem 

If they can do enough economic damage it makes it easier for Republicans to win the house and senate. That’s literally it. An entire movement based on making peoples lives worse.

Yeah but this isn’t like nobody wants to because we’re all selfish, nobody wants to do this because it’s stupid. 

Then what’s the point? If someone can still drive drunk by having a sober person blow then it’s useless. You have to run it like the DUI enforced system because all of those measures insure it can’t be bypassed, and stop making it about me supporting drunk driving because I’m not onboard with your nonsense here.

I installed them, so I win