
Fair. We also have a right to never buy Post Gazette and give it the finger. I hope this guy lands a job at a different news outlet.

I don’t like when journalists (even the ones I disagree with) are fired for dissenting opinions. There is often a difference between dissent and bigotry that doesn’t have to be tolerated and I think thats the line that should get someone fired.

I think you’re incorrectly belittling political cartoonists. Political cartoons are a staple of American history, have huge impacts and have been once of the most prominent forms of dissent and satire since the American Revolution. I bothered to find the PBS doc for you, so maybe you’ll change your opinion.

She should definitely get the Spicer Treatment.

We passed fascism about 300 days ago. We’re arriving at full blown authoritarianism now.

So we’re just barreling towards fascism at full speed. Great.

Not when you’re shitting on a sidewalk.

Isn’t there a law against taking a picture of somebody going to the bathroom?

Can confirm. Fellow dog owner and preventer of poops in living room

Me on Twitter

Can we just talk about how poor the ergonomics of pooping in that position are? I would totally poop all over my own pants with my ass up in the air like that. Maybe that’s why I’m not a professional mad pooper.

Has to be right as he’s doing it, otherwise he won’t understand why he’s being punished.

Rub his nose in it, otherwise he’ll never learn.

Is that “Minnesota Nice”?

I am a native Minnesotan, raised by Minnesotans, and have made a sort of hobby to study and emulate accents.

I mean, life is complicated but this is a fucking barn burner of an obituary. I’m inclined to think she earned it.

OR she was a narcissist only interested in her own interests at any given time and her kids understood this having had to deal with her. And she moved back because her kids in Cali couldn’t stand her and she thought she could emotionally blackmail the old set of kids into dealing with her. They tried to reconcile,

That was pretty overtly hostile for Minnesotans

That whole obit is a Minnesota euphemism for “she was a feckless cunt”.

That was pretty overtly hostile for Minnesotans. Typically it would read something like: “Ethel heard that she got pregnant from her brother-in-law and moved to California but don’t you know her kids Gina and Jay didn’t go with her! It’s not our place to judge but something’s not right about that.”