
Not that it will change their precious fee fees, but someone needs to drill to these guys that a population majority is not the same as a social majority.

I was kicked, slapped, spanked, punched, hit with objects, verbally abused, taunted...because that’s what I know I decided when I was like 17 I just wasn’t having kids.

I think we need to look at spanking like car seats. So many people hear “you shouldn’t spank your kids” and immediately get defensive because their parents spanked them, and if you aren’t supposed to, than that means that they had bad parents. But they love their parents, they couldn’t have been bad, so that must mean

Ugh, yeah, being slapped has stayed with me much more vividly than being spanked. Not that either happened very often, but getting hit in the face is so personal, it just added to the humiliation. It also hurts much more; I guess probably because there’s less fat to cushion the blow, or something. 

Always confused me how it was a crime to hit an adult. But a defenseless child that you have complete and total control over - smack and whip away.

The best response I’ve ever read to “Look, my parents spanked me and I turned out fine!” is “No, you didn’t. You think it is okay to hit little kids.”

He’s right. Laughing is just not what you do in that situation.

We need to stop reporting these as "murder-suicides" and start calling them "suicide-murders". Maybe then the dipfucks who carry them out will try the suicide bit first.

Remember scumbag assholes, in a murder suicide, do the suicide first.  

Must be a scary time to be a man....who has raped women.

People have died. That’s why it’s taken as seriously as it is, which is sad. So sad.

I have no idea if he’s a good Catholic male, but he’s a shitty pharmacist and should be fired.

North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes?

National Alliance of Buy Here Pay Here Dealers

So you’re saying CAC isn’t exactly Bailey Brothers’ Building and Loan.

there must be some mistake, I’m almost certain from his photo that this man’s name is Chad

I’m an event coordinator and I share your pain. My impression is that it was genuinely well-intended but cocky hubris, mixed with a complete lack of practical skills and general tomfuckery took over. He didn’t hire enough women to do his job for him.

I wish I was rich enough to break the law WHILE OUT ON BAIL and still get away with reduced prison time, which will likely be reduced even further once actually incarcerated.

Yeah but here’s my deal. I don’t think Bush was ever actually evil and out to fuck us all like the current president. You might not have liked his tenure, etc, but most of his “decisions” were either not made by him, or were based on bad info from other people. He doesn’t seem like the bad guy during that

I have slowly come to value any disruption of the systemized and external validation/commodification of women as a holdover of debutante pageantry from antebellum history.