
“This stuff is easy. It happens every day. What’s the big deal? So does death, you s—t-heads, but you don’t have to pretend that’s easy.”

Then again, this goes a long way toward explaining some of the Golden Globes that have been handed out in the last 50 years. (An entertainment journalist who can’t even spell “Barrymore” after 60 years in Hollywood?)

Remember when it was jarring and uncomfortable to hear words like “pussy” and “shithole” on the news? I just saw Anderson Cooper repeatedly list the terms “boofing” and “devil’s triangle”– during a live interview on CNN, no less – as though they were a couple of small towns in Missouri. He said “BOOFING” on LIVE

even for me its pretty damn obvious that Kavanaugh believes himself to be above all else — above the law, above Senators, above past victims, and above judgement & reproach.  Don’t think I’m the only one to pick up that vibe, right?

I played a lot of sports in middle and high school, although my experience may be a lot different than his since I’m female and went to a public school.

I can’t wait for the invasive ads to pop up on various sites.

Enjoy your cage, you piece of shit. Hopefully the car waiting for you when you get out is a hearse.

Time to rework his sweatshirt.

Systems of diffused responsibility encode cruelty just as they encode racism. They set it up so cruel and unusual is the accepted norm and overt acts that would result in charges aren’t required to achieve hellish treatment. We didn’t end slavery, we didn’t end racism, we didn’t end institutional cruelty, we codified

Milk as a beverage by itself is really gross. 

They’re not sorry that students were abused, they’re sorry they were caught.

I just wish there was some way to do both this and pap smears that wasn’t so damn invasive. Like yeah, I get it. There’s really no other way to do this that makes any sense. But at the same time getting my cervix scraped makes me feel sick to my stomach for a couple of days afterward and speculums fucking hurt.

I feel like this particular murder struck me harder than most because as much as I always say to myself “they don’t always look like the type” (my father didn’t look like the type either), this guy DIDN’T LOOK LIKE THE TYPE. He looks like a dude I’d swipe a hard right on. And he didn’t use a gun, he was capable of

Theres an app for this! I don’t use it personally but I remember researching it for a bit. I think it might only be available in certain states. But it lets you order birth control online without an in person dr visit.

“I can see how what he’s describing would be annoying to deal with, but is there a chance that it’s hypercritical?”

Anyone who still goes to a Catholic Church and puts money in the collection plate should be ashamed.

Time to RICO the entire Catholic church: jail their mafiosos in the US, put out interpol warrants for the rest, and liquidate all assets within the US. 

Dismantle the Catholic church.