
I, like many kids, was taught that boys don’t hit girls. If this was the rule, then why was it ok for my dad to hit me, his daughter? I couldn’t (and still can’t) wrap my head around this “logic.” I wasn’t beaten and I always knew that my parents loved me and my brother, but all hitting taught me was that there’s

Sentimental hogwash.

Yep. We got us a real-life Greg Stillson. I’m convinced that Stephen King knows something we don’t but has been trying to tell us for years.


I live in a county neighboring Montgomery, and we’re currently experiencing heavy rain. I like to think that the downpours are the bitter, bitter tears of Inmate Cosby. Definitely an Andy-Dufresne-finally-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel type of elation!

I kiss the ground you walk on! I had no idea this app existed and it’s available in my state! THANK YOU!!

So excited I could shit!!!

Submitting for approval: pretty much every organization that refers to itself as a Brotherhood.

Right there with you. The idea of original sin is absolutely galling. No child should be subjected to such “teachings.” My Catholic school days are long over, but I still deeply resent the deference we were required to show priests. My kids will know right from wrong, but NEVER be forced to confess their “sins” to

Yep. It’s the ultimate form of enabling, if that’s even a strong enough word for subsidizing horrific abuse. 

Good call.

Wish I could star your comment more than once.

Everything Sister Rita says sounds like it’s inspired by Livia Soprano, Patron Saint of Emotional Manipulators.

I think you’re right. They’re really exploring this space with this Perry-bashing. They gotta have it.

Couldn’t agree more.

He played the Winklevii.

Joop! Joop! Let’s all chant!

You sick bastard. I think I love you.