Branniganian in my Strategery

for once the science validates my anecdotal experience.

No I reserve the right to judge. Most grow out of these shenanigans by the time they pass their Ediacaran period. This is inexcusable. Go home evolution, you're drunk.

Universe: Hey, Earth! What you working on?

I knew if I took a minute with Google, I would find an appropriate Far Side cartoon.

I think we all know the real reason behind the impending cow uprising. Blood for blood.

If his hands don't drip blood, he'll never know how to be a hero and it won't be realistic!

Catching passes from several faceless statues (aka, the perfect description of all of his QB's).

Yeah. you'd get paid in respect. Which is not as tangible as cash, admittedly, but it makes you feel a lot better. All of a sudden the world would have a very real incentive for people not to behave like assholes because they would lose respect, but if they were polite and worked with others they'd gain respect.

My parents have always been overprotective, so I learned early on to keep certain things from them because I knew they wouldn't be able to handle it and would make it into a bigger deal than it is. I never did anything "wrong" exactly, other than the lying. But the things they were certain I would do in high school if

Yeah I like how all Steve wanted was the power to stand up for the weak and take down those who prey on them. And he recognizes his given abilities as a gift that he never squanders amd spends the rest of his life paying back by trying to do good by others.

I'm so much in agreement with you that my neck hurts from nodding so hard in solidarity. I've been saying this about Superman for a long time, but only after the Winter Soldier film did I put together the specific way in which the MCU "gets it" that WB/DC does not.

Ernest Hemingway

This sums up Steve Rogers perfectly. He's the most humble, the bravest, and the most compassionate person in the room at all times. But he never feels superior to any of his comrades. He's see's the greatness in everyone and inspires them to see it in themselves. He's the Jean Luc Picard of the

Captain America is #1, as he should be. I'll admit, I never thought that I'd fall in love with his character (especially since his superhero name is just SO AMERICA), but I did, and it completely changed the way I judge heroism.

She also gave us the quote of the year.

IMHO, Darabont nailed the ending.

Replacing the giant squid alien in Watchmen. Having Adrian fake John's powers, framing him for all of the devastation, worked a lot better than bringing some dumb-ass squid in from left field. Honestly, it ties the story together more elegantly, and it raises the stakes for all of the characters involved. It also

I've been working a long time now in some kind of 9 to 5 fashion, and frankly I doubt I'll ever find a job I truly "enjoy." I tolerate my jobs because they give me money so I can support my family and have my hobbies. Other than that, a paycheck is a paycheck. I find it obnoxious how we're supposed to chase the dragon

The problem is that one of the main reason employees despise their companies is because of how they are treated by them. When employers have shit conditions and a "you're lucky to have a job" attitude the employee are more likely to hate working there.