Branniganian in my Strategery

Yes, indeedy. I still rank one of the biggest, most foundational revelatory moments in my life the realization when I was seventeen (yes, seventeen, which should tell you a lot about how insufferable I was through high school) that I didn't have to know everything to be smart, or that to be smart I had to be smarter

That's . . . well, okay, that's about half fair. Frank has definitely lost a step in the last few years, and there have been plenty of runs that could have gone to the house that were stopped 8-10 yards down the field because Tank's legs just aren't what they used to be.

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No list of beautiful horror movies is complete without the original Cat People. Watch the amazing scene below, and tell me that you don't jump out of your skin despite yourself.

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Well, with spaghetti and meatballs, it could always be worse. . .

With respect, if anything communism seems pretty good at incentivizing the absolute hell out of individuals. Russia in 1917 under the Tzars was a joke of a nation. The Soviet Union in 1945 was the only nation on earth that could compete with the United States in terms of economic productivity and and military might.

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That is exactly right, but I would add in just one part.

Know Knope!

I knew it!

Is it the one in West Philly? Please tell me we've been to the same eccentric book store!

I'll answer with a quick, short short explanation of the difference between second and third-wave feminism. That distinction largely, although not completely, tracks the difference in anti-porn and pro-porn positions in feminism, for reasons that should be readily apparent.

I have to respectfully disagree, in that there is nothing banal about the Star Wars OT. We tend to use "children's movie" as a way of dismissing a movie as juvenile and superficial, and admittedly, that's often how children's movies are, because those movies are seen as something that can be badly written but will

Like a good rug, the Force is. Ties together the room and the universe, it does.

I . . . am not sure how well that works for us guys in any circumstance, Esme. My office manager is not bad by the standards I'm hearing above, since mostly she just tries to wall me off from the rest of the office with the occasional hamstring attack. But as 1) the only guy in the office other than her husband and

While I agree that we need to cut out the "stunned silence" thing if we want to change this shit, I also think it's often better to adopt a "teachable moment" stance. I remember talking with the worst possible crowd at the height of the Ferguson demonstrations: white Republican, churchgoing women about what was

Some porn does encourage rape culture, yeah. Much like some video games encourage rape culture. And some movies encourage rape culture. But no one would say that because Custer's Revenge or Basic Instinct, then video games and movies must always and forever equal a part of rape culture by their nature. That would

Short short version? Interracial scenes are bestiality porn for racists: violating the taboo is what gets them off. What is more, racists are usually the ones who are specifically looking for "interracial" porn. And once seen crossing that taboo threshold, it's hard for racists to unsee it.

Ooh, ooh, I'm one of those people who paid way too much attention in law school, so I know this one.The correct answer is that while there are no exceptions to murder at common law, there are cases in which you can kill someone and it nevertheless is not murder. It's the distinction between an excuse, which is a

Cannot give enough stars. The worst thing about child abusers isn't the abuse, horrific and damaging though it is. It's the fact that absolutely no truth can get through their ego, particularly the part about what great parents they were.